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LMP Faculty Development Day
LMP Faculty Development Day is designed to provide time and space to those appointed in LMP to develop skills, acquire knowledge and network.
The morning is dedicated to a workshop exploring a topic related to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
The afternoon is dedicated to collaboration and networking.
Faculty Development Day 2024
Tuesday, November 12, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
- Morning topic: 'difficult conversations'
- Afternoon: the Collaboration Café - $100k of seed funding is available to collaborations formed at this event.
See the details for Faculty Development Day 2024
Faculty Development Day 2023
Read what happened on the day in LMP’s inaugural Faculty Development Day brings people together.
- Morning topic: Panel Discussion on Professionalism and trainees followed by a workshop: Collegial Conversations - Unleashing the Power of Collaboration
- Afternoon: the Collaboration Café
Projects funded by the Collaboration Café 2023
Five projects shared the $75k in seed funding.
Faculty Wellness workshops
Collaborators: Dr. Adele Changoor (Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Sinai Health System) and Dr. Golnaz Karoubi (Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network)
The aim of this project was to create a forum where to help LMP faculty to translate Wellness, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (WIDE) concepts into actionable ideas that can be implemented in their daily work practice.
Two Wellness Workshops were held at the Faculty Club in 2023 and 2024:
- ‘Energize and Empower’: Drs Heather Yang and Suzanne Wong, both from Unity Health, delivered a dynamic program aimed at promoting the integration of wellness strategies into the daily lives of faculty and their teams.
- 'Equity in Action: Implementing EDI in Research and Clinical Settings': Dr. Imogen Coe led a session discussing best practices for implementing EDI principles as leaders of research and clinical teams, in a research, clinical, or teaching capacity.
Using novel disruptive technology in Parkinson’s disease
Collaborators: Dr. Naomi Visanji (Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network) and Dr. Trevor McKee (Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network)
To use a novel disruptive technology, Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC™), to study immune system dysfunction and neuroinflammation in Parkinson’s disease.
Research pathologists are increasingly faced with a challenge in being able to explore the vast numbers of targets emerging from the analysis of bulk tissue samples using ‘omics approaches. Simply put, ‘omics screens frequently generate too many markers and pathways of interest to visualize using classical immunohistochemistry in the finite amounts of precious tissue sections available from human diseases. IMC™ addresses this challenge by providing the opportunity to simultaneously assess 40 -plus markers of interest in a single section. Additionally, IMC™ has advantages over other forms of multiplex immunostaining including the absence of autofluorescence, which can be particularly significant in brain tissue.
We have been working with Standard Biotools to design a custom panel of 40 antibodies to be used in the study. These include cell segmentation markers that will allow the visualisation of different cell types within the brain, markers for neuroinflammation and developing novel conjugates for neurodegenerative disease associated proteins.
Molecular diagnostic approach to extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) of gastrointestinal (GI) tract
Collaborators: Dr. Sasan Zandi (St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto), Dr. Shawn Winer (St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto), Dr. Bo-yee Ngan (Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)), Dr. Daniel Winer (Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network)
The diagnosis of low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a small GI biopsy specimen can be very challenging. This project aims to establish single nuclear gene expression and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) signatures of GI MALT lymphoma in stomach and colon with translation into potential new diagnostic markers for GI MALT lymphoma. It also aims to investigate the specificity of VDJ rearrangement in MALT lymphoma of stomach and colon.
The LMP Summit: MD students exploring lab medicine
Collaborators: Dr. Larissa Liontos (Sunnybrook Health Science Centre), Dr. Carlo Hojilla (Mount Sinai Hospital, Sinai Health), Dr. Susan Poutanen (University Health Network/Sinai Health Department of Microbiology), Dr. George Yousef (Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network)
The aim was to create a two-day workshop outside of the regular curriculum that would be fun, interactive and allow undergraduate medical students to learn about rewarding career options in Laboratory Medicine. Lab Med specialties are poorly represented in the undergraduate medicine education (UME) curriculum and this lack of exposure limits medical students from determining whether they would be interested in pursuing these career pathways.
The first LMP Summit was held successfully in June 2024 and the second is now being planned.
Creating an e-learning module for pathology
Collaborators: Dr. Carmen Avila-Casado (Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network), Dr. Rumina Musani (Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network), Dr. Sara Hafezi-Bakhtiari (Lakeridge Health Network), Dr. Larissa Liontos (Sunnybrook Health Science Centre), Dr. Carlo Hojilla (Mount Sinai Hospital, Sinai Health), Dr. Anita Nagy (Hospital for Sick Children/SickKids)
To develop a virtual education (e-learning) model in Anatomical Pathology to support a structured and curriculum-based approach training in different anatomical pathology specialties with remote access to innovative educational material, self-learning experts and educators. This is a result of combining two projects which both wanted to pursue digital education in various fields of pathology.
Photos from the LMP Faculty Development Day 2023

Organizing committee
- Xilonem Lopez, Academic Affairs Officer,
- Debb Yorke, Executive and Operations Coordinator,
- Jenni Bozec, Communications and Outreach Officer,
- Isabelle Aubert, Co-Vice Chair, Wellness, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (WIDE)
- Gino Somers, Co-Vice Chair, Wellness, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (WIDE)
- Myron Cybulsky, Vice-Chair Research, Clinical
- Janice Robertson, Vice Chair Research, Life Sciences
The Collaboration Café is designed and run with the support of Krystyna Kongats from the Centre for Research Innovation & Support (CRIS).