LMP405Y1 - Project in Pathobiology 154P

LMP405Y1 is not on Quercus as there is NO in-person class and final exam.

Course description

A self-contained research project for 3rd and 4th year students to be completed under the supervision of an LMP faculty member.

The main areas of research are as listed in the research areas of the department.

The student will normally have completed three full years of study, and is expected to devote at least one full day per week to the project.

Admission is by arrangement with the Department and with a particular supervisor.

A list of potential supervisors is available on our website.


Louella D’Cunha 


Tel: (416) 946-0136    


Dr. Michal Opas


Teaching Assistant

Kelly Liu



  • (BCH210H1 or BCH242Y1) 
  • (LMP340H1 and LMP350H1) or LMP363H1 or LMP365H1
  • (LMP340H1 and LMP350H1) or LMP363H1 or LMP365H1 or (LMP310H1, LMP320H1 and LMP330H1)

You must also receive permission from the department. Once the supervisor has agreed to supervised you, the following are necessary:

  1. Supervisors are to e-mail lmp.undergrad@utoronto.ca, a statement that the student will be working in his/her laboratory. This e-mail will serve as an agreement to supervise and provide the necessary academic feedback in a timely manner. Please refer to Academic Breakdown below.
  2. Students must email lmp.undergrad@utoronto.ca, their last name, first name, student number and the name of supervisor who has agreed to supervise them.

How to apply

All students are required to secure an LMP supervisor prior to enrolment into the course. (Faculty supervisor must be primary or cross-appointed in LMP).

A full list of our LMP faculty can be found in our directory

Deadline to enroll into the course for the 2024-2025 academic year is September 16, 2024.

Instructions for students considering this course

This is a research project course.  

Each student has a supervisor who must be a member of LMP (either primary or cross-appointed faculty) and who provides laboratory space, materials, and direction to the student.