Clinical Laboratory Quality Indicators and harmonization across GTA hospitals

The project team

Paul Yip (Chair), Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre 

Saranya Arnoldo, Unity Health

Mohamed Bhugun, Markham Stouffville

Davor Brinc, University Health Network

Blaine Elliott, Michael Garron 

Felix Leung, Sinai Health

Nurun Muhammed, North York General

Annie Ren, William Osler 

Lusia Sepiashvili, SickKids

Cristiana Stefan, CAMH

Quality indicators allow laboratories to quantify the quality of laboratory processes, which is fundamental to patient safety. Harmonization of quality indicators is necessary to ensure that all clinical laboratories define, report and benchmark according to defined quality standards.

We aim to harmonize quality indicators across hospital-based clinical laboratories in the GTA that identify areas for quality improvement and enable sharing of best practices.

We have:

  • Surveyed hospital-based clinical laboratories across the GTA (Core Lab Quality Indicators survey and Anatomic Pathology Indicators survey)
  • Promoted the IFCC Model of Quality Indicators as a framework
  • Developed a list of proposed harmonized indicators

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Latest guidelines from the quality indicators working group

View updates from the project team

2022 workshop

Hosted by Dr. Paul Yip, the LMP Quality Council discuss putting quality indicators into action with the clinical core laboratory community. Speakers include Dr. Lusia Sepiashvili, Dr. Davor Brinc and Dr. Saranya Arnoldo.

2021 workshop

We held a workshop on May 5, 2021, covering an update and discussion on the project, presented by Dr. Paul Yip and Dr. Corwyn Rowsell.

The Core Lab Quality Indicator survey

Fifteen hospitals responded to our Core Lab Quality Indicator survey. The data has been published and used to prepare an evidence-based guideline for GTA-wide implementation which is now open to consultation.

A similar survey was developed for Anatomic Pathology and circulated to hospitals which has now been published.

The team helping implement the recommendations includes

Other working groups of interest

The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists (CSCC) Special Interest Group on Quality Improvement through Quality Indicators Monitoring aims to improve our laboratory processes producing national benchmarks, sharing our experiences and promoting standardization efforts.

This initiative is based on the collaboration of the CSCC and the Program of Quality Indicators Comparison of the Quebec Society of Clinical Biology (SQBC). With the Working Group on Laboratory Errors and Patient Safety of the IFCC as a collaborator, activities will be aligned with the international standardization effort in the QI field. 

The Education and Management Division (EMD) of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) has established a Working Group on “Laboratory errors and patient safety”.

Other available guidelines

QMS12 Developing and Using Quality Indicators for Laboratory Improvement, 2nd Edition

  • QMS12 shows you a step-by-step way to develop quality indicators to measure processes, so your lab can provide quality testing.

Relevant publications for further information

Harmonization of quality indicators in Laboratory Medicine. A preliminary consensus. Plebani M, et al. Clin Chem Lab Med 2014;52(7)951-8. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2014-0142. PMID: 24622792.

Harmonization of pre-analytical quality indicators. Plebani M, et al. Biochem Med. 2014;24(1):105-13. doi: 10.11613/BM.2014.012. PMID: 24627719.

Towards harmonization of quality indicators in Laboratory Medicine. Plebani M, et al. Clin Chem Lab Med 2013;51(1):187-95. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2012-0582. PMID: 23023884.

Quality indicators for the total testing process. Plebani, et al. Clin Chem Lab Med 2017;37(1):187-205. doi: 10.1016/j.cll.2016.09.015. PMID: 28153366.

Defining a roadmap for harmonizing quality indicators in Laboratory Medicine: a consensus statement on behalf of the IFCC Working Group "Laboratory Error and Patient Safety" and EFLM Task and Finish Group "Performance specifications for the extra-analytical phases". Sciacovelli L, et al. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2017;55(10):1478-1488. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2017-0412. PMID: 28688224.

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