LMP Workshop Program 

The LMP Workshop Program awards students financial support for practical training in an area related their thesis work.

The goal of the program is to provide educational opportunities beyond traditional graduate coursework that allow students to learn new technologies or to develop specialized skills. 

Successful applicants will receive funds to cover the cost of workshop registration fees as well as travel and accommodation expenses, if required (up to a maximum of $5,000). 

The LMP Workshop Program does not provide funds for conferences. 

Examples of workshops and courses 

Examples of eligible workshops can be found by following the links below. 

Email the Graduate Coordinators to assess eligibility of other workshops. 

Who is eligible

All LMP research stream graduate students are eligible for this program.  

We will prioritise students who provide a clear explanation for how the workshop will benefit their ability to accomplish their research objectives.   

Funds for this program are limited and not all applications will be approved.

How to apply

  1. Before applying, you need to discuss the suitability of the workshop with your supervisor.
  2. Then you must email the Graduate Coordinators. Include a link to the workshop site and a brief (a few sentences) explanation of how the workshop relates to your research should be included in the email. 
  3. Once you have completed the above, and received a positive response, apply to the workshop and complete the LMP Workshop Application Form (online form). 

As part of the application, you will need to:

  • write a justification (250 words or less) for requesting the award.
  • supply a budget that includes the workshop registration fees and estimates for travel and accommodation expenses, if required. Travel and accommodation estimates should be supported by documentation (an airline ticket cost estimate from a travel website, a link to the nightly cost of the hotel where you plan to stay etc). 


There is no deadline for the LMP Workshop Program application.  

How and when you will receive funds

If your application is approved, you will be notified of the amount awarded. 

Typically, the amount of the award will cover all reasonable expenses up to $5,000. Additional expenditures will have to be covered by your supervisor. 

You will receive funds through ROSI after proof of acceptance to the workshop has been emailed to the graduate office. 

It is your responsibility to book travel and accommodation arrangements, if required. 

After the workshop, you must give the graduate office hardcopy documentation of proof of attendance; as well as accommodation and travel receipts. 

You may be asked to return the award if receipts are not provided in a timely manner. 

hands typing at a computer

Skills development workshops

There are various workshops available for you to develop your skills in areas such as grant writing, preparing for your defense, presenting posters, and more:

Mentoring and professional development for graduate students

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