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LMP Academic and OSOTF Awards
The LMP Academic and Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) Awards competitions are held simultaneously on an annual basis. Further details on each award are below.
The OSOTF Awards provide financial support for full-time registered graduate students (primarily MSc and PhD) in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine. Prospective and returning students are eligible to apply. Students in professional master's programs with significant coursework and internship/practicum/clinical placement components are not eligible for the OSOTF awards.
To apply, you will need the following:
- Cover letter, listing the awards competition(s) you want to be considered for
- Your CV
- University of Toronto Graduate Transcript (unofficial)
- Two letters of reference
- If applying to OSOTF awards: OSOTF Financial Needs Assessment Form (PDF)
Application deadline: April 22, 2024 (11:59pm)
To apply: LMP Academic & OSOTF Awards
Application deadline for QEII-GSST: May 1, 2025 (11:59 pm)
To apply: Ontario Graduate Scholarship
We will notify all current graduate students about these awards via the graduate student and faculty listservs.
Contact the LMP Graduate Office ( for more information about these awards.
Stuart Alan Hoffman Memorial Prize
Estimated value: $900
The objectives of this award are to acknowledge and reward "a graduate student who has shown special ability in the research field, having in mind the character as well as the research ability of the candidate."
You can be nominated if you have graduated from your MSc or PhD in the past 12 months. Your nomination must be made no later than six months after your convocation ceremony.
Excellence in research may be documented by either an accepted thesis (MSc or PhD), published papers, or manuscripts in press.
Dr. Rajalakshmi S. Dittakavi and Dr. Prema M. Rao Graduate Awards in Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Estimated value: $1,700
These awards are donated by past and present students of Doctors Rajalakshmi and Rao.
Two awards are given annually:
- To a graduate student in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology who is pursuing study and research on the cause, prevention, pathogenesis and cure of cancer.
- To a graduate student in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology to present his/her results on the cause, prevention, pathogenesis and cure of cancer at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.
Graduate Award in LMP (OSOTF)
Estimated value: $600
To be awarded to a graduate student in the Department of LMP based on financial need. Academic performance will also be considered.
You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident to apply.
Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) award applicants must submit a complete OSOTF Financial Needs Assessment Form (PDF).
Meredith and Malcolm Silver Scholarship in Cardiovascular Studies (OSOTF)
Estimated value: $2,000 (20 awards)
To be awarded to graduate students in the Department of LMP on the basis of financial need.
We will give preference to a graduate student who has maintained or achieved honour standing during his/her graduate studies and with a demonstrated interest in cardiovascular research.
You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident to qualify.
Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund (OSOTF) award applicants must submit a complete OSOTF Financial Needs Assessment Form (PDF).
Meredith and Malcolm Silver Scholarship in Cardiovascular Studies (non-OSOTF)
Estimated value: $2,000 (3 awards)
To be awarded to a graduate student who has maintained or achieved honour standing during his/her residency with the Department of LMP and with a demonstrated interest in cardiovascular research.
Norman Bethune Award
Estimated value: $2,000 (4 awards)
The aim of this award is to recognize and encourage young, talented researchers on the threshold of their careers.
You must be in the first two years of a PhD to be eligible, including if you have reclassified from the MSc program (in which case your initial starting date will apply).
R. O. Torrance Bursary
Estimated value: $2,000 (2 awards)
To provide financial support to an MD/PhD student in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine pursuing graduate studies in the Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology.
Partners in Research Award
Estimated value: $400
To be awarded to a graduate student on the basis of academic excellence and demonstrated public education in the lay community related to the mission of Partners in Research, which is "to educate and re-educate the public about this history of disease control and cure as it relates to both people and animals, as well as the crucial role of biomedical research in all medical advances".
Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST)
Deadline for LMP Departmental Award: May 1, 2025
Awards: QEII-GSST/Canadian Arthritis Network
Eligibility: Graduate students registered in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology involved in the area of Arthritis Research
The QEII-GSST program is designed to encourage excellence in graduate studies in science and technology. Eligible students could apply for the LMP Departmental QEII-GSST Awards or the QEII-GSST Awards administered by RHSE.
Application: The same application is used for both the 2025-26 Ontario Graduate Scholarships and QEII-GSST. Applicants must submit an OGS application using the U of T School of Graduate Studies centralized online OGS application. See the Ontario Graduate Scholarship web page.