All graduate students (MSc and PhD) are supervised by a graduate faculty member and a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC).
The composition of the committee includes:
Supervisors cannot chair their own student’s advisory committee.
Complete an Advisory Committee Approval Form (online form) to receive approval of the committee from the LMP Graduate Coordinators.
The committee will guide you on your research and will act on behalf of the department in ensuring that research standards are maintained and that your progress meets departmental expectations.
If you are using the Faculty directory to seek members for your committee, only approach faculty marked ‘yes’ under Graduate Faculty.
The first committee meeting should take place within 6 - 9 months of registration in the program with subsequent meetings scheduled every 10 - 12 months. The date of the next meeting should be set at the end of each meeting.
At the first meeting, you are expected to have:
At least one week prior to each meeting, you should send to the committee members:
The progress report should include:
The progress report should be a maximum of three single-spaced pages (not including title page, figures, and references) plus a maximum of two pages of figures (unpublished data, models).
You should make an oral presentation no longer than 30 minutes.
The committee then discusses the proposal with you and provides advice on your program.
Immediately after the meeting, the Chair will provide you with feedback and complete a Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Report which is forwarded to the LMP Graduate Office, your thesis advisory committee should be copied in the email, and you should keep a copy for future meetings. You can find a template for the report and guidelines for TAC meetings on the Graduate Forms page.
See more about the requirements for completing your program and your thesis