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Graduate course list
- LMP1001/1002/1003: Graduate Seminars in Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
- LMP1005H: Fundamentals of Research Practice
- LMP1100H: Cellular imaging in pathobiology
- LMP1101H: Basic concepts in inflammatory/autoimmune arthritis
- LMP1102H: Clinical concepts in inflammatory/autoimmune arthritis
- LMP1103H: Tissue injury, repair and regeneration
- LMP1105: Current understanding of Atherosclerosis
- LMP1106H: Molecular Biology Techniques
- LMP1107H: Bioinformatics in LMP
- LMP1108H: Genome analysis in medicine
- LMP1110H: Neural Stem Cells - brain development and maintenance
- LMP1111: Introduction to R and the Analysis of Single Cell Data
- LMP1200H: Neoplasia
- LMP1203H: Basic principles of analytical clinical biochemistry
- LMP1206H: Next generation genomics in clinical medicine
- LMP1207H: Mass spectrometry, proteomics and their clinical applications
- LMP1208H: Molecular clinical microbiology and infectious diseases
- LMP1210H - Basic Principles of Machine Learning in Biomedical Research
- LMP1211H: Foundations in Musculoskeletal Science
- LMP2004H: Introduction to Biostatistics
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- Master of Health Science (MHSc) in Laboratory Medicine
- Master of Science in Applied Computing (MScAC) Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
- Collaborative Specialization in Musculoskeletal Sciences (CSMS)
- Master of Health Science (MHSc) in Translational Research
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- Research stream programs: current students
- Graduate course list
- LMP1001/1002/1003: Graduate Seminars in Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
LMP1001H, LMP1002H, LMP1003H: Student Seminar Series in Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Student Seminars schedule for 2024-2025 now available below!
The Student Seminar Series courses are mandatory courses that you will take during your Master’s or PhD program. The purpose of these courses is to improve your presentation skills and to provide opportunities to think critically about research.
The Student Seminar Series Courses (LMP1001/2/3) consist of two different seminar series:
- The Graduate Student Seminar Series; and
- The Faculty Seminar Series (also known as the Monday Seminar Series).
Both series take place on Mondays throughout the academic year.
The information on this page is available as a downloadable PDF.
Graduate Student Seminar Series
- Time: Mondays 3 - 4 pm
- Location: MSB 4279 and MSB 4171
Student seminars are held in two simultaneous sessions. Two students who are assigned to the same research group will present their work in each session.
You will be assigned to one of the groups based on your stated preference or the preference of your supervisor. In the first year of your program, you will receive an email notification from the graduate office to fill out a form to select your group. You will remain in this group throughout your program.
The research groups are:
- Brain and Neuroscience (Neuro)
- Cancer, Development and Aging (Cancer)
- Cardiovascular, Physiology and Metabolism (Cardio)
- Molecular and Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (MCB)
- Infectious Diseases, Inflammation and Immunology (ID)
Faculty Seminar Series (also known as the Monday Seminar Series)
- Time: Mondays 4 - 5 pm
- Location: MSB 2172
Speakers from the University of Toronto and the wider scientific community present their research. We select speakers to reflect the diverse research areas of LMP that include both clinical and fundamental science. We ensure our selection of speakers reflect our principles of diversity and inclusion.
All are welcome to attend these seminars, which are held in the Medical Sciences Building at the University of Toronto. Details of upcoming seminars are listed in our events calendar.
Which course should I be enrolled in?
The course you will be enrolled in depends on your year of study and whether you are an MSc student, a regular entry PhD student (i.e. you have completed an MSc or an equivalent degree) or a direct entry PhD student (i.e. you have entered the PhD program directly after completing your BSc, or you have transferred from the MSc to the PhD program).
Course code | MSc | PhD | PhD Direct Entry |
LMP1001H (Fall/Winter: 1 year) | Year 1: attend | Year 1: attend | |
LMP1002H (Fall/Winter: 1 year) | Year 2: attend and present | Year 2: attend and present | |
LMP1003H (2 years) Fall/Winter: 1st Year |
Year 1: attend | Year 3: attend | |
LMP1003H (2 years) Fall/Winter: 2nd Year |
Year 2: attend and present | Year 4: attend and present |
Course requirements
LMP1001H Student Seminar Series l
- Graduate Student Seminar Series:
- You do not make a presentation.
- You must attend a minimum of 9 student seminars in the 2024-2025 academic year.
- You have the option to attend student seminars outside your group, but at least 5 of the 9 seminars must be from within your own group.
- Faculty Seminar Series (Monday Seminar Series): You must attend a minimum of 15 faculty seminars in the 2024-2025 academic year.
You will receive a CR for this course at the end of the year.
LMP1002H Students Seminar Series ll
- Graduate Student Seminar Series:
- You will make a presentation on a day assigned to you at the beginning of the year. See the schedule below.
- You must attend a minimum of 9 student seminars in the 2024-2025 academic year.
- You have the option to attend student seminars outside your group, but at least 5 of the 9 seminars must be from within your own group.
- Faculty Seminar Series (Monday Seminar Series): You must attend a minimum of 15 faculty seminars in the 2024-2025 academic year.
You will receive a CR for this course at the end of the year.
LMP1003H Student Seminar Series III
Year one
Graduate Student Seminar Series
- You will not make a presentation in your first year.
- You must attend a minimum of 9 student seminars in the 2024-2025 academic year.
- You have the option to attend student seminars outside your group, but at least 5 of the 9 seminars must be from within your own group.
Faculty Seminar Series (Monday Seminar Series): You must attend a minimum of 15 faculty seminars in the 2024-2025 academic year.
Year two
Graduate Student Seminar Series
- At the beginning of your second year, you will be assigned a day on which you will make a presentation. See the schedule below.
- You must attend a minimum of 9 student seminars in the 2024-2025 academic year.
- You have the option to attend student seminars outside your group, but at least 5 of the 9 seminars must be from within your own group.
Faculty Seminar Series (Monday Seminar Series): You must attend a minimum of 15 faculty seminars in the 2024-2025 academic year.
You will receive a CR for this course at the end of the second year.
How to register your attendance
You will record your attendance in Quercus at the beginning of each seminar you attend. Please be sure to bring a device with you to be able to log in.
Presentation requirements
Each presenting student is expected to:
- Write and submit a 250-word abstract.
- Give a maximum 20-minute presentation.
- Have a 5-minute Q&A.
Each seminar room will be moderated by a faculty member who will provide feedback at the end of each session.
All faculty, including your supervisor(s), are welcome to attend your seminar.
Abstract submission
Deadline: by Monday at 10 am the week BEFORE your presentation
For your presentation you are required to submit an abstract. This abstract will be a summary of your research and will be posted on our website.
You must submit a presentation title and abstract (~250 words) for your seminar by Monday at 10 am the week before your presentation using our online form.
LMP1001H, 1002H, 1003H presenter schedule for 2024-2025
Seminars take place on Mondays at 3:00 pm.
Fall term 2024
Week | Date | Group | Room | Presenter 1 | Presenter 2 |
1 |
7 October |
Cardio/MCB |
4171 |
Robert Xiaxuan Lao |
Chris Arthur Jordan |
ID |
4279 |
Marry Ann Nissan |
Rachel Sheung-Yee Tyli |
2 |
21 October |
4171 |
None |
None |
Neuro |
4279 |
Jarryll Uy |
Alexandra Moffat |
3 |
28 October |
Cardio/MCB |
4171 |
Boaz Matthew Ehiogu |
Muyang Zhou |
ID |
4279 |
Atefeh Mohammadi |
Miguel Alfonso Vicencio Principe |
4 |
4 November |
Cancer |
4171 |
Adrian Beckett Levine |
Neuro |
4279 |
James Dunbar |
Matthew David Madrozos |
5 |
11 November |
Cardio/MCB |
4171 |
Anca Maglaviceanu |
Anisha Kaur Hundal |
ID |
4279 |
Ream Abdullah |
Sumiha Karunagaran |
6 |
18 November |
Cancer |
4171 |
Kayshani Rebecca Kanagarajah |
Christopher Zhaofeng Zhang |
Neuro |
4279 |
Ting-Wen Yeh |
Courtney Lynn Irwin |
7 |
25 November |
Cardio/MCB |
4171 |
Manami Marian Kondo |
Shiyuan Bian |
ID |
4279 |
Kleio Chatanaka |
Manus Yu |
8 |
2 December |
Cancer |
4171 |
Zackary Rousseau |
Bailey Organ |
Neuro |
4279 |
Nareh Tahmasian |
Fiona Xu Cui |
9 |
9 December |
Cardio/MCB |
4171 |
Susanna Fang |
Richard Huang |
ID |
4279 |
Yijia Liu |
10 |
16 December |
Cancer |
4171 |
Lydia Ka Man Leung |
Andrew Junyoung Yim |
Neuro |
4279 |
Thomas Zerbes |
He Huang |
Winter term 2025
Week |
Date |
Group |
Room |
Presenter 1 |
Presenter 2 |
1 |
13 January |
Cardio/MCB |
4171 |
Jiajie Zhang |
ID |
4279 |
Gizelle Jerlyn Lionel |
2 |
20 January |
Cancer |
4171 |
Dusan Pesic |
Kristyna Anatalia Gorospe |
Neuro |
4279 |
Ann Mansur |
Xavier Edward Rutherford |
3 |
27 January |
Cardio/MCB |
4171 |
Stylianos Zaharias Prattas |
Kaden David Gougeon |
ID |
4279 |
Suji Udayakumar |
Lu Yi Li |
4 |
3 February |
Cancer |
4171 |
Tera Nicole Petchiny |
Ming-Heng Wang |
Cancer |
4279 |
Nakita Gopal |
Asa Lau |
5 |
10 February |
Cardio/MCB |
4171 |
Majed Abdul-Samjed |
Jeffrey Jaekyung Eo |
ID |
4279 |
Lindsay Kathleen Hillis |
6 |
24 February |
Cancer |
4171 |
Wajeeha Zaheer |
Liam Scott Hewson |
Cancer |
4279 |
Jung Yeon Min |
Liliane Cabral-Fernandes |
7 |
3 March |
Cardio/MCB |
4171 |
Xinyin Wang |
Angela Zhou |
Cardio/MCB |
4279 |
Seyedeh Sara Fooladi |
Dachuan Zhang |
8 |
10 March |
Cardio/MCB |
4171 |
Paola Driza |
Rasha Salih |
Cardio/MCB |
4279 |
Ryan Cristopher Appings |
Ayuni Umayav Weerakoon Ratnayake |
9 |
17 March |
Cancer |
4171 |
Catherine Yu Chieh Lin |
Cardio/MCB |
4279 |
Yuetong Song |
Kristen Erika Schulz |
10 |
24 March |
ID |
Veronica Chang |
Course Coordinators
Dr. Stephen Girardin
Dr. Paul Hamel
Teaching Assistant
Zoya Tawhidi:
Graduate Office
April Morris and Beatrice Wong: