LMP415H1 - Forensic Pathobiology 24L

Course description

A thematic review of the major scientific areas and research controversies in forensic medicine.

The approach is mechanistic analysis and evidence-based medicine.

Classical forensic medicine is critically analyzed with emphasis on experimental methods to resolve controversies.

We also explore how the justice system utilizes medical and scientific data.

Course coordinator

Dr. Maliha Khara

Office address: Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, 25 Morton Shulman Ave 


Teaching assistant

Evan Lubanszky



Winter 2024

Class time

Friday 2 - 4 pm

Office hours

Appointments scheduled with students as needed by e-mail.

Course details

  • Hours: 24L
  • Prerequisite: LMP310H1, LMP320H1
  • Exclusions: none
  • Credit value: 0.5
  • Distribution requirements: Science
  • Breadth requirement: Living Things and Their Environment (4)
  • Enrolment limits: 35 students

Student evaluation

In-class mid-term exam 50%. Exam format: short answers. All topics presented before Reading will be covered by this exam. Due 1 March, 2024.

In person final exam 50%.

See information on Academic Integrity





January 12, 2024

Introduction to Forensic Pathology.

Dr. Maliha Khara

January 19, 2024

Deaths from natural causes; therapeutic complications

Dr. Jayantha Herath

January 26, 2024

Blunt injuries

Dr. B. Pawlowicz 

February 2, 2024

Sharp Injuries/Blast Injuries 

Dr. K. French 

February 9, 2024

Asphyxias (including drowning) 

Dr. Tyler Hickey

February 16, 2024

Child Abuse and Elder Abuse 

Dr. L. Kocovski

February 19 - 23, 2024

Reading week, no class


March 1, 2024

Midterm exam 


March 8, 2024

Environment Related Deaths

Dr. Magdaleni Bellis

March 15, 2024

Toxicological COD 

Dr. R. Ndikumana 

March 22, 2024

Injuries associated with transportation

Dr. K. Hamilton 

March 29, 2024

Deaths in custody/Human rights abuses; Ethics

Dr. Christopher Ball

April 5, 2024

Neurological causes of death, Molecular Autopsy 

Dr. Maliha Khara

TBC April 10 - April 30, 2024

Final exam


Recommended reading or text book

There is no required text, however, we recommend following standard textbooks as references

  1. Robbins and Cotran Pathological Basis of Disease
  2. Forensic Pathology, DiMaio and DiMaio
  3. Knight’s Forensic Pathology
  4. Simpson’s Forensic Medicine