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- LMP200H1 – Pathobiology of the Cell
- LMP299Y1 - Research Opportunity Program (ROP)
- LMP301H1 - Introduction to the Biochemistry of Human Disease
- LMP305Y1 – Pathobiology Research Analysis and Project
- LMP310H1 – Fundamentals of Pathobiology
- LMP320H1 – Pathobiology of Stem Cells
- LMP330H1 – Genetic and Computational Modeling in Human Development and Disease
- LMP363H1 - Principles of Pathobiology 24L
- LMP399Y1 - Research Opportunity Program (ROP)
- LMP405Y1 - Project in Pathobiology 154P
- LMP410H1 - Pathobiology of Neurodegenerative Disease 24L
- LMP415H1 - Forensic Pathobiology 24L
- LMP420H1 – Cancer Pathogenesis
- LMP430H1 – Metabolic disorders
- LMP440H1 – Mechanisms of Host-Microbe Interactions
- LMP450H1 – Organogenesis in Health and Disease
- LMP460H1 – Pathobiology of the Cardiovascular System
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- LMP320H1 – Pathobiology of Stem Cells
LMP320H1 – Pathobiology of Stem Cells
Enrolment is limited to students in the Pathobiology specialist program.
Course description
This course introduces stem cells and their impact on human health and disease.
You will study stem cells from the perspective of development and disease, with a focus on the nervous system, respiratory system, and cancer.
This course is intended to provide a foundation in the basis of stem cells in preparation for fourth-year courses.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Describe basic concepts of stem cells and their biology.
- Describe the underlying principles of stem cell biology in the development of the nervous and respiratory systems.
- Describe the cancer stem cell hypothesis and the possible role of cancer stem cells in cancer development and progression.
- Effectively communicate and apply concepts of stem cell biology to discuss the pros and cons of stem cell related issues and media.
Course coordinators
Office address: St. Michael’s Hospital, 30 Bond St
Office address: SickKids, 686 Bay St, PGCRL Rm 17-904
Office address: 1 King’s College Circle, MSB Rm 6336
Teaching assistant
Jennifer Boateng
Term |
Winter 2025 |
Lecture time |
Tuesday 9 - 11 am |
Tutorial time |
Tuesday 11 am - 12 pm |
Office hours |
Contact TA or Course Coordinators |
Course details
- Hours: 24L/12T
- Prerequisite information: Enrolment is limited to students in the Pathobiology specialist program.
- Prerequisite: LMP200H1
- Exclusions: None
- Recommended preparation: None
- Distribution requirements: Science
- Breadth requirement: Living Things and Their Environment (4)
- Enrolment limits: 35 students
Student evaluation
Participation/Attendance: 5%
Writing Assignment: 15%
Quiz 1: 20% (After Lectures 1 - 4)
Quiz 2: 20% (After Lecture 5 - 8)
Final Exam (to occur during the final exam period): 40%;
See information on Academic Integrity
Lecture topics are subject to change. We will list finalized lecture topics in the official syllabus
Date |
Topic |
Instructor |
January 7, 2025 |
Introduction to stem cells and stem cell biology |
January 14, 2025 |
Stem cells build tissues: focus on the brain and nervous system |
January 21, 2025 |
Neural stem cells (NSCs) in the adult brain and models to study NSCs and other stem cell types |
January 28, 2025 |
NSCs and disease: focus on NSC responses after stroke and demyelination |
February 4, 2025 |
Stem cells in lung development Quiz 1 |
February 11, 2025 |
Endogenous stem cells of the lung: role in homeostasis and repair |
February 25, 2025 |
Extrapulmonary stem cells in lung regeneration |
March 4, 2025 |
Modeling human cystic fibrosis and respiratory virus lung diseases using stem cells |
March 11, 2025 |
From clones to hierarchies: the clonal evolution model versus the cancer stem cell hypothesis Quiz 2 |
March 18, 2025 |
Understanding cancer through normal physiology: John Dick and the story of AML |
March 25, 2025 |
Understanding the cell-of-origin and oncologic risk in the context of brain development: a tale of three brain tumors Writing Assignment due |
April 1, 2025 |
Finding the cancer stem cell: challenges and complications |
Recommended reading or text book
Note from the Instructors
Hello Everyone and Welcome to LMP320H1! We are Drs. Yuzwa, Wong and Das and are the main instructors for LMP320H1: Pathobiology of Stem Cells.
We hope that you’ll come along with us on our journey to study the beauty and the promise of stem cell biology in physiology and disease. We’re very much committed to helping each of you get the most possible out of this course and if there are ways that we can improve the course to make that possible we would be happy to hear any of your feedback (either in class, via e-mail or on Quercus).
It is our strong belief that the classroom environment for LMP320H1 should be welcoming and inclusive for all members of this class from both an EDI perspective and from a scientific background perspective. Please think of the lecture environment as a “safe” one and we will do our best to foster and model that safe learning environment. We are all coming from different backgrounds with different lived experiences thus please consider that you may know more than some of your classmates in specific areas and they may know more than you in other areas. It is the union of everyone’s expertise that will hopefully make LMP320H1 a great experience. In that regard, you are free to ask any question that comes to mind (related to the material at hand). We may not know the answer but we can always find the answer together.
Finally, LMP320H1 will be delivered in person. Many more details with respect to course delivery and polices are described in greater detail in the Course Info Section and in the Course Syllabus on Quercus. Should you have any questions about this course which are not answered in the Syllabus or on Quercus please feel free to reach out to us by email at the addresses below (depending on the section to which the question pertains):
Dr. Yuzwa,
Dr. Wong,
Dr. Das,
Drs. Scott Yuzwa, Amy Wong and Sunit Das