Show us the beauty of your specialty! Enter the LMP art competition
The Art Competition 2025 is now open!
Deadline March 31, 2025
Do you see beauty in the work you do? Can you create art from it and inspire others? Can you showcase what you love about your field in a creative way?
See the rules below. We can’t wait to see your entries – good luck!
Email if you have any questions.

The categories and prizes
You can choose which category your work falls into.
Each category will have a 1st and 2nd place winner who will receive a printed copy of their work plus:
- 1st prize = $200 gift card
- 2nd prize = $100 gift card
Winning images will be showcased in our art show at the Annual Celebration of Excellence on June 19, 2025.
The categories
- Clinical Laboratories
- Basic Science/Translational Research Laboratories
How to enter
All submitted images may be used in LMP communications and branding - some may even be used U of T- wide.
Complete the online form and attach your image in a high-resolution format (minimum file size 500KB – see the rules below) or include a link to it.
Who will be judging the artwork
The LMP community will be given the chance to vote for their favourites by online voting.
The LMP Vice Chairs Council and Department Chair Dr. Rita Kandel, will count the votes and make the deciding vote should there be a tie.
We will let you know the results by email.
The rules
- Open only to members of the LMP community: current registered students, trainees, fellows, staff, faculty or alumni
- One entry to be submitted per person.
- Each entry can only be submitted under one category.
- This must be your image, for which you hold the rights to distribute. Please indicate on the form how credit for the image should be given.
- Image should be a jpeg or png and be no less than 500KB in size (ideally several MB). If you'd like to submit a TIF file, please contact as the submission form will not accept this file type.
- By submitting an image, you are giving the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and the University of Toronto permission to use it for promotional purposes (website, social media, publications), regardless of whether you win a prize.
- You cannot submit an image previously submitted in an LMP Art Competition.
- Original artwork, edited images, photography etc. are all accepted, as long as it showcases your specialty/field in some way and can be communicated digitally (voting is online)
- Be creative and have fun!
Contact if you have any questions, or wish to submit your entry by email.
Deadline: March 31, 2025 (11:59 pm ET)
Enter the LMP Art Competition 2025!
See submissions and winners from previous competitions