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- LMP1103H: Tissue injury, repair and regeneration
LMP1103H: Tissue injury, repair and regeneration
Who can attend
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Course description
This seminar/reading and conference course is an interactive course designed to provide graduate students a basic understanding of tissue injury, repair and regeneration processes in major body tissues.
Each week, we will invite a leading guest speaker to present a seminar on their respective field of research related to tissue injury, repair and regeneration. The Invited Speaker will present a seminar on his/her research for 45 minutes, followed by an in-depth discussion on two papers assigned by the guest speaker. In addition to discussing the papers, the speaker and students will discuss the two written questions that each student submitted prior to lecture time.
The format includes:
- Six, two-hour seminars
- Each seminar will include the guest speaker lecture and a detailed discussion of an assigned paper and submitted questions, led by the guest speaker.
Course coordinators
Dr. Mohit Kapoor for administrative queries.
Timings and location
This course is offered every year in the Fall session.
Tuesdays 10 am – 12 pm
Location: Synchronous online delivery (Zoom)
Evaluation methods
You are required to submit two written questions on Mondays by 11:59 pm before each class and you are expected to contribute to the paper discussion in class.
Attendance (20%)
- Total - 20 marks
- Students are required to be in attendance for all six lectures
Class participation (30%)
- Total – 30 marks for six classes (5 marks each)
- Students are required to submit:
- at least two written questions; and
- participate in the discussion on the paper that follows the guest lecture
Term paper (50%)
Due date: November 12, 2024 by 11:59 pm.
- Total - 50 marks
- Abstract: 6 marks
- Introduction: 6 marks
- Methods: 6 marks
- Results: 12 marks
- Discussion including references: 20 marks
- The term paper should be submitted by email to
All classes take place on Zoom 10 am - 12 noon EST.
Date |
Topic |
Instructor |
September 17, 2024 |
MSC and joint injury and repair |
Dr. Sowmya Viswanathan |
September 24, 2024 |
Injury and repair mechanisms In the eye |
October 1, 2024 |
Cardiac injury and repair/regeneration |
Dr. Terrence Yau |
October 8, 2024 |
Wound healing and fibrosis |
Dr. Boris Hinz |
October 15, 2024 |
Protein aggregation and neurodegenerative diseases |
October 22, 2024 |
Liver assessment and repair with ex vivo liver perfusion |
Dr. Nazia Selzner |
November 12, 2024 |
Dissertation due at 11:59 pm |
We will circulate two research articles (corresponding with the weekly guest speaker) for you to critically review and prepare questions for submission for a discussion led by the guest speaker.
You are required to provide two written questions for each class and participate in the discussion on the paper that follows the guest lecture.
You must submit your questions via Quercus by 11:59pm the Monday before the class.
Term paper details
You are expected to write a review (critique) of a publication selected by the course coordinators.
- Maximum 7-8 pages double-spaced (page limit does not include references)
- Deadline: November 14, 2023 at 11:59 pm. No extensions given.
- Submit by email to
- Term paper will be marked out of 50 – please see breakdown under evaluation criteria above.
Term Paper specifications
Paper must be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font size, preferably Arial or Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins all around.
All pages should be numbered.
Inserting figures/tables is not mandatory, but if you do, it should be included within the limit of 7-8 pages. Please do not insert more than 2 figures or tables.
References should be included on an additional page, with a maximum of 25.
The term paper should include the following sections:
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- References.
Abstract: The abstract consists of 200-250 words in which you summarize the topic, the specific subject of the research problem, the major findings, and the conclusions.
Introduction: Provide background on the topic, summarize the present state of knowledge of the topic, and provide a clear description of the nature of the research problem that will be investigated in the Results section. Be selective with the background information that you include, as you are not writing a textbook. This section should be about 1-1½ pages long.
Methods: Briefly, describe methods used in the study using subheadings. This section should be about 1-1½ pages long. Indicate the methodology used for the experiments, but do not go into the details of how the experiments were done. You can use subheadings for the different topics
Results: Present in your own words relevant results on the topic. You can use subheadings for the different topics discussed. Max. 2 pages.
Discussion: Summarize the major new findings, discuss their relevance to the current literature, and draw the major conclusions. You should discuss similarities, discordant, or complementary results from the articles, and you may find including your own table or schematic diagram helpful with your discussion. You should also briefly propose future studies relevant to the
findings of this research paper.
References: References should be numbered (1, 2, 3…) as they appear in the text – limit to 25 references. Use the following format: "Kapoor M, Martel-Pelletier J, Lajeunesse D, Pelletier JP, Fahmi H: Role of proinflammatory cytokines in the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis. Nature Review Rheumatology 2011, 7(1):33-42." If you are using reference management software, use the “American Journal of Pathology” format. If textbooks are used as references, first list all the authors as shown in the example above followed by the chapter title, title of the textbook, edition, year of publication and page numbers used.