Assistant Professor

Bryan Coburn

Department of Medicine


Toronto General Hospital: University Health Network (UHN)
101 College Street, Rm 10-358, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 1L7
Research Interests
Infectious Diseases & Immunopathology
Clinical Interests
Infectious Disease
Appointment Status
Accepting PhD students

I am a Clinician-Scientist in Infectious Diseases at the University Health Network in Toronto where I attend on the General ID consult service (at Toronto General, Toronto Western and Mount Sinai Hospitals) and have outpatient practices in post-discharge follow-up, HIV treatment and prevention and Tuberculosis (at the TWH TB clinic). 

I lead an Infectious Diseases Clinical Research Unit at the UHN that undertakes trials in infectious diseases, antimicrobial stewardship and microbiome-targeting therapies.

Research Synopsis

My lab studies human microbiomes in health and disease, including human (clinical) trials of microbiome-targeting therapies in infectious and non-infectious diseases.

We are specifically interested in the effect of various treatments, in particular antibiotics, on the composition of the gut microbiome and microbiomes of other mucosal surfaces. 

Our goal is to translate our understanding of the complexity and function of the human microbiome to diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of human diseases in which microbiome perturbation has been implicated, including in sexual/reproductive health, cancer, critical illness and the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections.


Academic: Departments of Medicine (Primary), Immunology and Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology

Clinical: University Health Network (Toronto General and Toronto Western Hospitals) and Sinai Health Systems (Mount Sinai Hospital)