LMP Monday Seminar series

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Refer a Researcher

We are planning the Monday Seminar series for the next academic year and need your help.

If you are an MSc or PhD student in LMP, work with your supervisor to suggest a speaker and be in with a chance to win one of 15 $200 cash prizes!

How it works

  1. Think about your research, lab, papers you’re reading. Is there a researcher you’d like to see speak at a Monday seminar? This could be your own PI, or any other researcher in U of T, Canada or USA. (we can budget for travel expenses for a certain number of speakers from outside the GTA)
  2. Discuss with your supervisor, who will reach out to see if the researcher would be interested in the opportunity.
  3. Once the researcher agrees to speak, complete our online form to suggest the speaker and topic. Max two suggestions per student.
  4. The organizing committee will then review and either accept or decline the suggestion. If your suggestion is accepted, you will receive a $200 cash award (first 15 successful students).

Your supervisor must be in agreement as they will need to host the speaker (no financial obligation).

Contact lmp.seminars@utoronto.ca if you have any questions.

Make your suggestion

About the Monday Seminar Series

Every Monday at 4 pm (during the academic year) we invite speakers from U of T and the wider research community to talk on research subjects represented in LMP and other topics, such as career advice for current students. 

Anyone can join these in person events which are held in the Medical Sciences Building at the University of Toronto: see details of any upcoming seminars below or in our events calendar

Our speakers include local and international scientists. We select speakers to reflect the diverse research areas of LMP and a balance of clinical vs. fundamental science. We ensure speakers reflect our principles of Diversity and Inclusion, and that early career researchers are included in the program.

Contact us at lmp.seminars@utoronto.ca

The Seminar Series Advisory Board (SSAB)

The SSAB members often suggest, and host, speakers and coordinate the timetable.

Current SSAB members:

Members of the committee serve for three to five years. We are always looking for additional members in order to represent all research areas. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact the Chair or Co-Chair.

Find out more

Subscribe to our mailing list to hear about the latest events

See our events calendar, or contact us at lmp.seminars@utoronto.ca.

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