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Joerg Schwock

Dr Schwock graduated from the University of Leipzig (Germany) in 2001.
He received his Doctor of Medicine (Dr. med.) degree for research performed at the Institute of Biochemistry under Dr G. Kopperschlager.
In 2002 he started his postgraduate training in Surgical Pathology under Dr Ch. Wittekind. In 2003 where he joined Dr Hedleys's lab at the Princess Margaret Hospital/Ontario Cancer Institute as one of the first trainees accepted into the CIHR Training Program for Clinician-Scientists in Molecular Oncologic Pathology.
He became a graduate student of the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto and completed his studies in 2010 with a PhD degree.
He successfully completed his training as Anatomical Pathologist and specialization as Cytopathology in 2015.
Dr Schwock is now working as Cytopathologist at the University Health Network.
Research Synopsis
My research interests involve:
- mechanisms of progression and metastasis in solid tumors
- the application of molecular oncologic pathology to minimal specimen types
- Cytopathology training and education.
Selected Publications
Analysis of the intra- and intertumoral heterogeneity of hypoxia in pancreatic cancer patients receiving the nitroimidazole tracer pimonidazole. Dhani NC, Serra S, Pintilie M, Schwock J, Xu J, Gallinger S, Hill RP, Hedley DW. Br J Cancer. 2015 Sep 15;113(6):864-71.
Hobnail-variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma in liquid-based cytology. Schwock J, Desai G, Devon KM, Mete O, Dubé V. Diagn Cytopathol. 2015 Dec;43(12):990-2.
Appropriateness of using patient-derived xenograft models for pharmacologic evaluation of novel therapies for esophageal/gastro-esophageal junction cancers. Dodbiba L, Teichman J, Fleet A, Thai H, Starmans MH, Navab R, Chen Z, Girgis H, Eng L, Espin-Garcia O, Shen X, Bandarchi B, Schwock J, Tsao MS, El-Zimaity H, Der SD, Xu W, Bristow RG, Darling GE, Boutros PC, Ailles LE, Liu G. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 31;10(3):e0121872.
Stratified mucin-producing intraepithelial lesion of the cervix: A diagnostic challenge. Schwock J, Rouzbahman M, Geddie WR. Cytojournal. 2014 Aug 28;11:22.
Enteropathy-associated intestinal T-cell lymphoma in cavitating mesenteric lymph node syndrome: fine-needle aspiration contributes to the diagnosis. Schwock J, Hyjek EM, Torlakovic EE, Geddie WR. Diagn Cytopathol. 2015 Feb;43(2):125-30. doi: 10.1002/dc.23144.
A phase II trial of saracatinib, an inhibitor of src kinases, in previously-treated advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: the princess margaret hospital phase II consortium. Laurie SA, Goss GD, Shepherd FA, Reaume MN, Nicholas G, Philip L, Wang L, Schwock J, Hirsh V, Oza A, Tsao MS, Wright JJ, Leighl NB. Clin Lung Cancer. 2014 Jan;15(1):52-7.
Primary esophageal and gastro-esophageal junction cancer xenograft models: clinicopathological features and engraftment. Dodbiba L, Teichman J, Fleet A, Thai H, Sun B, Panchal D, Patel D, Tse A, Chen Z, Faluyi OO, Renouf DJ, Girgis H, Bandarchi B, Schwock J, Xu W, Bristow RG, Tsao MS, Darling GE, Ailles LE, El-Zimaity H, Liu G. Lab Invest. 2013 Apr;93(4):397-407.
Diagnosis of B-cell non-hodgkin lymphomas with small-/intermediate-sized cells in cytopathology. Schwock J, Geddie WR. Patholog Res Int. 2012;2012:164934.
Characterization of the Tumor-Microenvironment in Patient-Derived Cervix Xenografts (OCICx). Chaudary N, Pintilie M, Schwock J, Dhani N, Clarke B, Milosevic M, Fyles A, Hill RP. Cancers (Basel). 2012 Aug 29;4(3):821-45.
Histopathological and immunohistochemical features associated with clinical response to neoadjuvant gefitinib therapy in early stage non-small cell lung cancer. Lara-Guerra H, Chung CT, Schwock J, Pintilie M, Hwang DM, Leighl NB, Waddell TK, Tsao MS. Lung Cancer. 2012 May;76(2):235-41