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Ju-Yoon Yoon

Professional Memberships
- Association for Molecular Pathology
- United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology
I pursued my MD/PhD training at University of Manitoba, which was followed by Anatomic Pathology residency at the University of Toronto.
I pursued two clinical fellowships; molecular genetic pathology (U. Pennsylvania) and gynecological pathology (Brigham & Women's Hospital).
I'm a staff pathologist at St. Michael's Hospital, where I serve as a surgical (GYN, THO) and molecular pathologist.
Research Synopsis
My research interests are in early carcinogenic events for GYN and lung cancers, as well as molecular genetic techniques. The latter includes validation and implementation of novel bioinformatics and digital pathology solutions.
Selected Publications
X. Zhang, k. Devins, E.M. Ko, M.C. Reyes, F. Simpkins , R. Drapkin , L.E. Schwartz , J.-Y. Yoon, mutational spectrum in clinically aggressive low-grade serous carcinoma/serous borderline tumors of the ovary—clinical significance of brca2 gene variants in genomically stable tumors. Gynecologic Oncology. 2021 jun;161(3):762-768. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2021.03.019. epub 2021 mar 24. PMID: 33773808.
Yoon, J.-Y., C. Brezden-Masley, and C.J. Streutker, LGR5 and stem/progenitor gene expression in gastric carcinoma – significance of retained stemness. BMC Cancer, 2020. 20(1):860.
Yoon, J.-Y., C. Brezden-Masley, and C.J. Streutker, Autophagic Heterogeneity in Gastric Adenocarcinoma. Frontiers in Medicine, section Gastroenterology.
Yoon, J.-Y., L. de Kock, C.J.R. Stewart, W.G. McCluggage, W.D. Foulkes, B.A. Clarke, and M. Rouzbahman, Endometrial Stem/Progenitor cell (ES/PC) Marker Expression Profile in Adenosarcoma and Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma. Cancer Treatment and Research Communications, 2021.
Yoon, J.-Y., J.N. Rosenbaum, N. Vergara, R.B. Cohen, and R.B. Wilson, Bayesian Approach to Interpreting Somatic Cancer Sequencing Data. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 2020.
Kovacs, A., D.W. Vermeer, M. Madeo , H.D. Reavis, S.J. Vermeer, C.S. Williamson, A. Rickel, J. Stamp, C.T. Lucido, J. Cain, M. Bell, M. Morgan, J.-Y. Yoon, M.A. Mitchell, N. Tulina, S. Stuckelberger, A. Budina, D.K. Omran, E. Jung, L.E. Schwartze, T. Eichwald, Z. Hong, J. Weimer, J.E. Hooper, A.K. Godwin, S. Talbot, R. Drapkin, and P.D. Vermeer, Tumor-infiltrating nerves create an electro-physiologically active microenvironment and contribute to treatment resistance. bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.24.058594.
Yoon, J.-Y., R. Nayyar, G. Quest, D. Pabedinskas, P. Pal, M.-S. Tsao, J. Schwock, and H.M. Ko, PD-L1 lineage-specific quantification in malignant pleural effusions of lung adenocarcinoma by flow cytometry. Lung Cancer, 2020. 148:55-61.
Yoon, J.-Y., J.Y. Wang, and M.H.A. Roehrl, A combined FAK, c-MET, and MST1R three-protein panel risk-stratifies colorectal cancer patients. Translational Oncology, 2020. 13(11).
Yoon, J.-Y., J.Y. Wang, and M.H.A. Roehrl, An investigation into the Prognostic Significance of High Proteasome PSB7 Protein Expression in Colorectal Cancer. Frontiers in Medicine, section Gastroenterology, 2020.
Yoon, J.-Y., M. Apellaniz-Ruiz, A.-L. Chong, Z. Slim, S.G. Salfinger, B.A. Clarke, C.J.R. Stewart, W.D. Foulkes, and W.G. McCluggage, The Value of DICER1 Mutation Analysis in “Subtle” Diagnostically Challenging Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcomas of the Uterine Cervix. Int J Gynecol Pathol, 2020.
Yoon, J.-Y., C. Gedye, J. Paterson, and L. Ailles, Stem/progenitor cell marker expression in clear cell renal cell carcinoma: a potential relationship with the immune microenvironment to be explored. BMC Cancer, 2020. 20(1):272.
de Kock, L., J.-Y. Yoon, M. Apellaniz-Ruiz, D. Pelletier, W.G. McCluggage, C.J.R. Stewart, B.C. Dickson, M. Rouzbahman, B.A. Clarke, and W.D. Foulkes, Significantly greater prevalence of DICER1 alterations in uterine embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma compared to adenosarcoma. Modern Pathology, 2020. 33:1207–1219.
Tang, Y.-W., L. Lozano, X. Chen, T. Querec, N. Katabi, A. Moreno-Docon, H. Wang, D. Fix, L. De Brot, T. McMillen, J.-Y. Yoon, A. Torroba, Y. Wang, E. Unger, and K.J. Park, An Isothermal, Multiplex Amplification Assay for Detection and Genotyping of Human Papillomaviruses in Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissues. The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 2020.
Yoon, J.-Y., N. Stickle, R.J. de Borja, N. Ismiil, B. Djordjevic, C. Virtanen, A. Mariño-Enriquez, M.R. Nucci, J. Mirkovic, and C. Parra-Herran, The molecular landscape of myxoid smooth muscle neoplasia of the uterus: comprehensive analysis of 9 cases. Modern Pathology, 2019. 32(11):1688-1697.
Yoon, J.-Y., K. Sy, C. Brezden-Masley, and C.J. Streutker, Histo- and immunohistochemistry-based estimation of the TCGA and ACRG molecular subtypes for gastric carcinoma and their prognostic significance: A single-institution study. PLoS ONE, 2019. 14(12):e0224812.
Yoon, J.-Y., P. Pal, and H.M. Ko, Primary pulmonary lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma: a potential source of misdiagnosis on radial probe endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial aspiration cytology. Cytopathology, 2019.
Yoon, J.-Y., M. Cusimano, and D.G. Munoz, Pilocytic astrocytoma vs. Ganglioglioma: Progression vs. Misdiagnosis, and implications in BRAF testing. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2019. 66:231-234.
Yoon, J.-Y., C. Avila-Casado, and J. Butany, An unusual, poorly differentiated, neoplasm in a patient with an ASD closure device and bilateral adrenal involvement. Human Pathology: Case Reports, 2019. 15 (March 2019):69-70.
Tsao, M.S. and J.Y. Yoon, The eighth TNM classification for lung cancer-What is next? Lung Cancer, 2018. 121:97-98.
Alshaikh, O.M., J.-Y. Yoon, B. Chan, J. Butany, M. Krzyzanowska, S.L. Asa, and S. Ezzat, Malignant Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Producing Insulin and Vasopressin. Endocrine Pathology, 2018. 29(1):15-20.
Yoon, J.-Y., A. Gao, S. Das, and D.G. Munoz, Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of hemangioblastomas in the elderly: an update. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2017. 43:264-266.
Yoon, J.-Y., B. Danielson, D. Mathis, J. Karamchandani, and D.G. Munoz, Cytomegalovirus in the human dentate gyrus and its impact on neural progenitor cells: report of two cases. Clinical Neuropathology, 2017. 36(5):240-245.
Ng, E., X. Wang, J. Keow, and J.-Y. Yoon, Fostering mentorship for clinician-investigator trainees: overview and recommendations. Clinical and investigative medicine. Médecine clinique et experimentale, 2015. 38(1):E1-E10.
Yoon, J.-Y., 1.5세 한인의사들의 고민 (Being a 1.5-generation Korean doctor), in The Korea Times Daily 2015: Canada.
Dielschneider, R.F., W. Xiao, J.Y. Yoon, E. Noh, V. Banerji, H. Li, A.J. Marshall, J.B. Johnston, and S.B. Gibson, Gefitinib targets ZAP-70-expressing chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells and inhibits B-cell receptor signaling. Cell Death & Disease, 2014. 5:e1439.
Antoun, G., J. Keow, V.D. Ram, C. Thornton, X. Wang, and J.-Y. Yoon, Scientific overview: CSCI-CITAC Annual General Meeting and Young Investigator's Forum 2013, in Clinical and Investigative Medicine (Online) 2014, Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation: Ottawa. p. 5.
Yoon, J.Y., D. Szwajcer, G. Ishdorj, P. Benjaminson, R. Kumar, J. Johnston, W. Xaio, and S.B. Gibson, Synergistic Apoptotic Response Between Valproic Acid and Fludarabine in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Cells Involves the Lysosomal Protease Cathepsin B. Blood Cancer Journal 2013. 3:e153.
Yoon, J.-Y., G. Ishdorj, B.A. Graham, J.B. Johnston, and S.B. Gibson, Valproic acid enhances fludarabine-induced apoptosis mediated by ROS and involving decreased AKT and ATM activation in B-cell-lymphoid neoplastic cells. Apoptosis, 2014. 19(1):191-200.
Yoon, J., T. Appleton, M. Cecchini, R. Correa, V. Ram, X. Wang, E. Ng, M. Speechley, and J. Wilcox, It begins with the right supervisor: importance of mentorship and clinician-investigator trainee satisfaction levels in Canada. Clinical and Investigative Medicine (Online), 2013. 36(6):E269-76.
Antoun, G., V.D. Ram, X. Wang, J.T. Wilcox, and J.-Y. Yoon, Scientific overview: CSCI - CITAC Annual General Meeting and Young Investigator's Forum 2012, in Clinical and Investigative Medicine (Online)2013, Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation: Ottawa. p. E248-52.
Yoon, J.-Y., S. Lafarge, D. Dawe, S. Lakhi, R. Kumar, C. Morales, A. Marshall, S.B. Gibson, and J.B. Johnston, Association of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 with poor prognosis in elderly patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia & Lymphoma, 2012. 53(9):1735-1742.
Yoon, J.-Y., R. Kumar, R. Aloyz, and J.B. Johnston, Response of concomitant chronic myelogenous leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia to imatinib mesylate. Leukemia Research, 2011. 35(9):e179-e180.
Staff pathologist, St. Michael's Hospital, Unity Health Toronto
Honours and Awards
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Resident Research Fund (2019-2020)
KOPANA resident research award (2019)
Ontario Molecular Pathology Research Network Cancer Pathology Translational Research Grant (Stream 1) (2018)
Laboratory medicine and pathology research day, poster prize (2018)
Physicians' Services Incorporated Foundation Research Grant (2017)
Manitoba Medical Student Association, Leadership Award (2014)
Manitoba Medical College Foundation Jack Hildes Memorial Award (2014)
Korean Canadian Scholarship Foundation (2014)
Caroline A. Cope Award for Excellence in Oncology Research (2013)
Nancie J. Mauro Graduate Scholarship in Oncology Research (2012)
Rt. Hon. Dan Mazankowski Award in Oncology (2012)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral Award (2011-2014)
Manitoba Health Research Council Manitoba Studentship Award (2011)
CIHR MD/PhD Graduate Training Award (2008-2011)