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Manal Tadros

Dr Tadros graduated from Medical School at Cairo University.
She received her MSC degree and PhD degree from Cairo University in Clinical Pathology, with Medical Microbiology as a subspecialty.
Dr Tadros worked as a Medical Microbiologist and an Infection Control Consultant at Cairo university Hospitals.
She moved to Canada in 2005 and after obtaining her Medical Counsel of Canada certification, and joined the residency program at University of Toronto medical microbiology department for re-training and obtained her Royal College certification in 2013.
Dr Tados worked as a Medical Microbiologist at Fraser Health Authority Hospitals, BC and at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. She is currently working at Hospital for Sick Children.
Research Synopsis
I have a wide a wide scope of research interests in medical microbiology, including:
- hospital epidemiology
- Improving Diagnostics in Mycology
- Novel methods in bacterial typing such as mass spectrometry
- Laboratory quality improvement
My research philosophy can be simply summarized in this statement; ‘From bench to bedside’, I am mainly focused on research that can be translated into an improved quality of care for our patients.
Improving diagnostics is a primary area of interest. This includes early and accurate identification of antibiotic resistant organisms using innovative technologies such as newer versions of mass spectrometers, robust software tools, whole genome sequencing and others.
In addition to its potential impact to clinical care and antimicrobial stewardship, my research applies these technological advances to the field of hospital epidemiology.
I am working on novel methods for rapid and accurate cluster analysis of microorganisms. This would impact Infection Control practices and support early identification of outbreaks and perhaps offer a better understanding of the dynamics of transmission of microorganisms between patients and within the hospital environment.
Recent Publications
Tadros M Proteomics may help unleash the mystery of severe COVID-19: A mini review. Canadian Journal of Pathology 2020, Volume 12, Issue 4
Blanchard AC, Tang L, Tadros M, Muller MP, Spilker T, Waters V, LiPuma JJ, Tullis E. Burkholderia Cenocepacia ET12 Transmission in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis. Thorax 2020 Jan;75(1):88-90. PubMed ID: 31732688.
Tadros M, Cabrera A, Matukas LM, Muller M. Evaluation of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectometry and ClinPro Tools as a Rapid Tool for Typing Streptococcus pyogenes. Open forum Infectious Diseases. 2019 Oct 11;6(11):ofz441. PubMed ID: 31700941.
Tadros M, Goneau L, Romaschin A, Jarvis M, Matukas L. Rapid detection of resistance to carbapenems and cephalosporins in Enterobacteriaceae using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. PLoS One. 2018 Nov 9;13(11): e0206842. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0206842. eCollection 2018. PubMed ID: 30412608.
Simor AE, Porter V, Mubareka S, Chouinard M, Katz K, Vermeiren C, Fattouh R, Matukas LM, Tadros M, Mazzulli T, Poutanen S. Rapid Identification of Candida species from positive Blood cultures Using the FilmArray Blood Culture Identification (BCID) Panel. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2018 Nov 27;56(12). Print 2018 Dec. [Epub Sept 26]. PubMed ID: 30257901.