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Rosemarie Tremblay-LeMay

Dr Tremblay-LeMay was enrolled in the MD-MSc program at Université Laval and completed medical school and a Master’s degree in experimental medicine.
She completed her residency in anatomical pathology at Université Laval in 2017.
She then pursued a fellowship in hematopathology at Toronto General Hospital-University Health Network and subsequently joined the department as part of the hematopathology staff.
Research Synopsis
My research interests focus mainly the diagnostics and biology of lymphoma and multiple myeloma.
I also have a strong interest in the application of quality improvement and medical education principles to pathology.
Selected publications
Tremblay-LeMay R, Rastgoo N, Pourabdollah M, Chang H. EZH2 as a Therapeutic Target for Multiple Myeloma and Other Haematological Malignancies. Biomark Res 2018;6:34.
Tremblay-LeMay R, Chang H. Concurrent JAK2 Mutation and Isolated del(5q) Associated with Marrow Fibrosis and Small Hypo/monolobated Megakaryocytes. Blood. 2018; 132(1) :112.
Tremblay-LeMay R, Rastgoo N, Chang H. Modulating PD-L1Expression in Multiple Myeloma : an Alternative Strategy to Target the PD-1/PD-L1 Pathway. J Hematol Oncol 2018, 11:46.
Tremblay-LeMay R, Hogue JC, Provencher L, Poirier B, Poirier É, Laberge S, Diorio C, Desbiens C. How Wide Should Margins Be for Phyllodes Tumors of the Breast? Breast J. 2017; 23:315-322.
Tremblay-LeMay R, Pagé S, Rinaldi P, Couture C, Conti M, Joubert P. An Unusual Case of Intrapulmonary Schwannoma Associated with Sarcoidosis in Mediastinal Lymph Nodes. J J Pulmonol. 2015, 1(3): 017.
Lemieux J, Diorio C, Côté M-A, Provencher L, Barabé F, Jacob S, St-Pierre C, Demers É, Tremblay-LeMay R, Nadeau-Larochelle C, Michaud A, Laflamme C. Alcohol and HER2 Polymorphisms as Risk Factor for Cardiotoxicity in Breast Cancer Treated with Trastuzumab. Anticancer research. 2013; 33(6):2569-76.