Feb 27, 2024  |  4:00pm - 7:00pm

Get Talking! To patent or not to patent?

Disruptive Innovation, Dynamic Collaboration, Graduate, Postgraduate, Undergraduate

From The MHSc in Translational Research hosted by TRP instructor Edyta Marcon.

Get Talking is an in-person seminar series on the most challenging issues facing healthcare, such as legislation, funding, delivery, and innovation intended to create a forum for a constructive discussion.  It is intended to showcase multiple perspectives and create a forum for a constructive, respectful discussion.

Talk title: To patent or not to patent?

Come join us for the coming discussion on the implications of patenting healthcare inventions, drugs in particular, on healthcare innovation, accessibility, and affordability of drugs.

When & where

When: Tuesday, February 27, 4 - 6 pm

Where: Auditorium, 263 McCaul Street

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