Jul 16, 2024  |  2:00pm - 3:00pm

Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Cancers and the Adaptive Immune Response: SickKids invited speakers series

Case discussion series
Agile education, Impactful research

Hosted by The Hospital for Sick Children, Garron Family Cancer Centre and the Genetics & Genome Biology Program.  

Open to all in the scientific community, including researchers, clinicians, research staff, trainees, and student learners.

Talk title: The response of Immune System to Tumors in Li-Fraumeni Patients

Dr. Arnold J Levine
Professor Emeritus
School of Natural Sciences, Biology
Institute for Advance Study

Hosted by

Dr. David Malkin

How to join

This event is in person.

Where: Robert B. Salter Auditiorium, 686 Bay St. 

When: Tuesday, July 16, 2pm