Nov 6, 2024  |  2:00pm - 3:00pm

LMP 3MT: science communications training for competitors 2024

Agile education, Graduate, Impactful research, Postgraduate

For learners enrolled in programs in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology.

The 3MT (or 3-Minute Thesis) is an academic research communication competition developed by The University of Queensland, Australia in 2008. It is you, your research project, one slide and 3 minutes. You are communicating to a non-scientific audience about why you’re doing your research and what you hope to achieve with it.

Join Dr. Laurent Bozec as he explains what the 3-minute thesis competition is and how you can be successful in communicating your science to a general audience.

This online session aims to help prepare LMP learners for entering the LMP 3MT, and/or the U of T competition in Spring 2025.

Any LMP learner may attend, regardless of whether you intend to enter a competition. 

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Find out more about the LMP 3MT

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