Jan 30, 2023  |  3:00pm - 4:00pm
Student research presentation

LMP student seminars, 30 January


Each week during term time, MSc and PhD candidates in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology present their research.

Anyone is welcome.

Location: Medical Sciences Building, rooms 4171 or 4279, see below.

As part of the core research curriculum, students taking LMP1001/2/3: Graduate Seminars in Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology will present their projects.

Abstracts are uploaded in the folder the Thursday before (UTORID access only)

Group 1: Brain and Neuroscience

Location: MSB 4279

Belay Gebregergis

  • Title: Investigating the Role of C9orf72 in Hippocampal Excitatory Synapses
  • Supervisor: Dr. Janice Robertson

Courtney Lynn Irwin

  • Title: Investigating altered sensory function in a peripheral organoid model of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Supervisor: Dr. Karun Singh

Group 2: Cancer, Development and Aging

Location: MSB 4171

Maryam Khalil

  • Title: Chemotherapy Upregulates Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1 Expression in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Models
  • Supervisor: Dr. Ming Tsao


No need to register.

Contact lmp.grad@utoronto.ca with any questions