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Catherine Streutker

Research Synopsis
During my tenure at the University of Toronto, I have developed a research program based on two major areas of interest.
My first area of interest is in the histology of animal models of disease, primarily in the area of mucosal immunology in the gastrointestinal tract.
Histologic evaluation of animal tissues (most often from mouse models) can be a difficult area in basic research, as graduate students have no experience in histology or pathology, and only rare pathologists are interested in either identifying the differences between human tissues and animal models or in evaluating the effects of genetic manipulation (knock-out mice, knock-in mice, immune manipulation), induced diseases and treatments in these models.
My role in these investigations is not only to provide data for statistical evaluation, but more importantly to consider the degree to which the model mimics the human disease it is meant to study, and to identify areas of further investigation to ensure that the model is as useful as is possible.
My second area of interest is in translational research: development of predominantly gastrointestinal pathology-based studies that may lead to changes in diagnostic methods or treatment of patients.
Recently, my focus has been on gastric carcinoma.
Following the results of a European trial where treatment of HER2 amplified gastric cancers gave a significant improvement in survival, the test was validated at St. Michael's Hospital and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and we are now performing province wide testing for HER2 in these malignancies.
I have also initiated and collaborated in a number of research projects done with Anatomic Pathology or Gastroenterology residents or fellows.
Selected Publications
Geddes K, Rubino SJ, Magalhaes JG, Streutker C, Le Bourhis L, Cho JH, Robertson SJ, Kim CJ, Kaul R, Philpott DJ and Girardin SE. Identification of an innate T helper type 17 response to intestinal bacterial pathogens. Nat Med. 2011 Jun 12.
Faragalla HF, Marcon NE, Yousef GM, Streutker CJ. Immunohistochemical Staining for Smoothelin in the Duplicated versus the True Muscularis Mucosae of Barrett’s Esophagus. American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2011;35(1):55-59.
Jones NI, Chiba N, Fallone C, Thomson A, Hunt R, Jacobson K, Goodman K, on behalf of the Canadian Helicobacter Study Group Participants. Helicobacter pylori in First Nations and recent immigrant populations in Canada. Can J Gastroenterology. Vol 26(2);97-103.
Hsieh E, Streutker C. HER2 testing in gastric and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinomas - an Information Brochure for Pathologists and Oncologists in Ontario.
Streutker CJ, Bernstein CN, Chan VL, Riddell RH and Croitoru K. Detection of species-specific helicobacter ribosomal DNA in intestinal biopsy samples from a population-based cohort of patients with ulcerative colitis. J Clin Microbiol. 2004 Feb;42(2):660-4.
Awards and Honours
LMP Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award (2024)