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David Munoz

Dr David Munoz holds an MD from Navarre and MSc in Pathology from Queen’s University.
He trained in neurology and neuropathology and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in 1984.
He is currently a Neuropathologist at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, and Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto.
In July 2006 he took the position of Head, Division of Pathology, St. Michael’s Hospital.
In 2008 he was appointed Adjunct Scientist, Keenan Research Center of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute.
He is the author of 187 peer-reviewed papers, 20 book chapters, and co-author of one book.
Research Synopsis
My research interest is focused on neuropathology, particularly the mechanisms of development and progression of degenerative diseases of the brain, including:
- Alzheimer's disease
- the non-Alzheimer dementias
- movement disorders
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
I also publish regularly on neuro-oncology and diagnostic aspects of general neuropathology.
Recent Publications
Gray MT, Munoz DG, Gray DA, Schlossmacher MG, Woulfe JM. α-synuclein in the appendiceal mucosa of neurologically intact subjects. Mov Disord. 2014 Jul. 29(8):991-8
Day GS, Laiq S, Tang-Wai DF and Munoz DG. Abnormal Neurons in Teratomas in NMDAR Encephalitis. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Jun 1;71(6):717-24
Gold A, Turkalp ZT and Munoz DG. Enteric alpha-synuclein expression is increased in Parkinson’s disease but not Alzheimer’s disease. Mov Disord. 2013 Feb;28(2):237-40
Ghavanini AA and Munoz DG. Comparison of infectious and noninfectious intracranial caseating granulomas. Brain Pathol. 2012 Nov;22(6):798-802
Neumann M, Valori CF, Ansorge O, Kretzschmar HA, Munoz DG, Kusaka H, Yokota O, Ishihara K, Ang LC, Bilbao JM and Mackenzie IR. Transportin 1 accumulates specifically with FET proteins but no other transportin cargos in FTLD-FUS and is absent in FUS inclusions in ALS with FUS mutations. Acta Neuropathol. 2012 Nov;124(5):705-16.
Baron M, Gomez-Tortosa E, Bochdanovits Z, Gobernado I, Rabano A, Munoz DG, Heutink P and Jimenez-Escrig A. Extended kindred with recessive late-onset Alzheimer disease maps to locus 8p22-p21.2: a genome-wide linkage analysis. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2012 Jan;26(1):91-5.
Van Deerlin VM, Sleiman PM, Martinez-Lage M, Chen-Plotkin A, Wang LS, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW, Rademakers R, Boeve BF, Grossman M, Arnold SE, Mann DM, Pickering-Brown SM, Seelaar H, Heutink P, van Swieten JC, Murrell JR, Ghetti B, Spina S, Grafman J, Hodges J, Spillantini MG, Gilman S, Lieberman AP, Kaye JA, Woltjer RL, Bigio EH, Mesulam M, Al-Sarraj S, Troakes C, Rosenberg RN, White CL 3rd, Ferrer I, Lladó A, Neumann M, Kretzschmar HA, Hulette CM, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Miller BL, Alzualde A, de Munain AL, McKee AC, Gearing M, Levey AI, Lah JJ, Hardy J, Rohrer JD, Lashley T, Mackenzie IR, Feldman HH, Hamilton RL, Dekosky ST, van der Zee J, Kumar-Singh S, Van Broeckhoven C, Mayeux R, Vonsattel JP, Troncoso JC, Kril JJ, Kwok JB, Halliday GM, Bird TD, Ince PG, Shaw PJ, Cairns NJ, Morris JC, McLean CA, DeCarli C, Ellis WG, Freeman SH, Frosch MP, Growdon JH, Munoz DG, Carroll SL, Marson D, Riederer PF, Bogdanovic N, Schellenberg GD, Hakonarson H, Trojanowski JQ, Lee VM. Common variants at 7p21 are associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 inclusions. Nat Genet. 2010;42(3):234-9.
Munoz DG, Neumann M, Kusaka H, Yokota O, Ishihara K, Terada S, Kuroda S, Mackenzie IR. FUS pathology in basophilic inclusion body disease. Acta Neuropathol. 2009;118(5):617- 627.
Munoz DG, Ros R, Fatas M, Bermejo F, García de Yebenes J. Pure Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) Associated With A New Mutation V363I In Tau Gene. Am J Alz Dis. 2007;22:294-229
Munoz DG, Woulfe J, Kertesz A. Argyrophilic thorny astrocyte clusters in association with Alzheimer’s disease pathology in possible primary progressive aphasia. Acta Neuropathol. 2007;114:347-57