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Matthew Muller

Matthew P. Muller completed his medical degree, residency in internal medicine and specialization in infectious diseases at the University of Toronto.
He then completed a PhD in clinical epidemiology.
Currently, he is the Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Control and an Infectious Diseases physician at St. Michael’s Hospital and chairs Ontario’s PIDAC-Infection Prevention and Control Committee.
His research interests are in the epidemiology and prevention of hospital-acquired infection and antimicrobial resistance.
Research Synopsis
My research is focused on the epidemiology and prevention of hospital-acquired infections, antibiotic resistant pathogens and C.difficile.
I am also interested in antimicrobial stewardship and the use of cumulative antibiogram data to guide empiric treatment.
Recent Publications
Smith A, Taggart LR, Lebovic G, Zeynalova N, Khan A, Muller MP. Impact of an Audit and Feedback Program to Improve Room Cleaning on Clostridium difficile Infection Incidence: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis. Journal of Hospital Infection. 2016 Feb;92(2):161-166.
MP Muller, C MacDougall, M Lim, for the Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee on Infection Prevention and Control. Antimicrobial Surfaces to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections: a Systematic Review. Journal of Hospital Infection. 2016 Jan;92(1):7-13.
Aaron Campigotto, Matthew P. Muller, Linda R. Taggart, Reem Haj, Elizabeth Leung, Jeya Nadarajah, Larissa M. Matukas. Cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility data from ICUs at one institution: Should data be combined? Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2016.
Muller MP, Junaid S, Matukas L. Reduction in Total Patient Isolation Days with a Change in Influenza Testing Methodology. American Journal of Infection Control. 2016.
Tijet, Nathalie; Muller, Matthew; Matukas, Larissa; Khan, Anjum; Patel, Samir; Melano, Roberto. Lateral dissemination and inter-patient transmission of blaKPC-3: role of a conjugative plasmid in spreading carbapenem resistance. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2015 Oct. Coauthor or Collaborator.
Taggart LR, Leung E, Muller MP, Matukas LM, Daneman N. Differential outcome of an antimicrobial stewardship audit and feedback program in two intensive care units: a controlled interrupted time series study. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2015 Oct;15(480). Coauthor or Collaborator.
Abou Chakra CN, McGeer A, Labbé A-C, Simor AE, Gold WL, Muller M, Powis J, Katz K, Garneau JR, Fortier L-C, Pépin J, Cadarette SM, Valiquette L. Factors associated with Complications of Clostridium difficile Infection in a Multicenter Prospective Cohort. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2015
Shigayeva A, Rudnick W, Green K, Chen D, Demzcuk W, Gold W, Johnstone J, Kitai I, Krajden S, Lovinsky R, Muller M, Powis J, Rau N, Walmsley S, Tyrrell G, McGeer A, For the Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network. Invasive pneumococcal disease among immunocompromised persons: implications for vaccination programs. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2015.
Jocelyn A. Srigley, Michael Gardam, Geoff Fernie, David Lightfoot, Gerald Lebovic, Matthew P. Muller. Hand hygiene monitoring technology: a systematic review of efficacy. Journal of Hospital Infection. 2015;89(1):51-60.
Medical Director of Infection Prevention and Control St. Michael’s Hospital
Chair of Ontario’s PIDAC-Infection Prevention and Control Committee