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Michelle Sholzberg

Dr Michelle Sholzberg received her MDCM and residency training in Internal Medicine at McGill University and she completed additional postgraduate training in Hematology at the University of Toronto.
She has also completed a research hemostasis fellowship in Toronto.
Dr Sholzberg has a Master of Science from the University of Toronto in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Care Research.
She is a clinical hematologist with a focus on bleeding and is the medical director of the coagulation laboratory at St. Michael’s hospital.
She is also the co-director of the Hematology-Oncology Clinical Research Group and of the Hematology-Immunology Translational Research Theme.
Research Synopsis
Dr. Sholzberg combines her clinical, laboratory and clinical epidemiology knowledge to uniquely address her research area of focus. Her research interests include inherited and acquired disorders of hemostasis.
Currently, she is involved in the study of: prediction tools for perioperative bleeding, the appropriateness of coagulation testing and new treatments for immune thrombocytopenia.
Selected Publications
Tarantino MD, Cuker A, Hardesty B, Roberts JC, Sholzberg M. Recombinant porcine sequence factor VIII (rpFVIII) for acquired haemophilia A: practical clinical experience of its use in seven patients. Haemophilia. 2016 Aug. Senior Responsible Author.
Yeung C, Santesso N, Zeraatkar D, Sholzberg M, Wang A, Pai M, Schunemann HJ, Iorio A. Integrated multidisciplinary care for the management of chronic conditions in adults: an overview of reviews and an example of using indirect evidence to inform clinical practice recommendations in the field of rare diseases. Haemophilia. 2016 Jul;22(S3):41-50. Coauthor or Collaborator.
Lane S, Sholapur N, Yeung C, Iorio A, Heddle N, Sholzberg M, Pai, M. Understanding stakeholder important outcomes and perceptions of equity, acceptability, and feasibility of a care model for hemophilia management in the U.S.: a qualitative study. Haemophilia. 2016 Jul;22(S3):23-30. Coauthor or Collaborator.
Sholzberg M, Floros G, Teitel J. Successful Immune Intolerance Induction with Von Willebrand Factor Containing Concentrate in an Adult with Haemophilia A and Chronic Inhibitor - A Case Study. Haemophilia. 2016 Mar;22(2):161-320. Principal Author.
Wood B, Sholzberg M, Ackery A. Direct Oral Anticoagulants and the Bleeding Patient. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2016 Feb;188(3):215. 2015. Co-Principal Author.
Sholzberg M, Mamdani M, Gomes T, Juurlink D, Laupacis A. The Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Use of Anticoagulation for Atrial Fibrillation. PLOS One. 2016 Feb;11(2). Available from: Principal Author.
Sholzberg M, Pavenski K, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Shehata N, Lin Y. Bleeding Complications with the Direct Oral Anticoagulants. BMC Hematology 2015. 2015 Dec;15(18). Available from: Principal Author.
Jackson SC, Yang M, Minuk L, St-Louis J, Sholzberg M, Card R, Iorio A, Poon M-C. Prophylaxis in Older Canadian Adults with hemophilia A: Lessons and More Questions. BMC Hematology. 2015 Feb;15(4). Coauthor or Collaborator.
Prica A, Sholzberg M, Buckstein R. Thrombopoietin receptor agonists in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS): A systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Haematology. 2014 Dec;167(5):626-38. Coauthor or Collaborator.
Jackson SC, Yang M, Minuk L, St-Louis J, Sholzberg M, Card R, Iorio A, Poon M-C. Patterns of tertiary prophylaxis in Canadian adults with severe and moderately severe haemophilia B. Haemophilia. 2014 Mar;20(3):e199-e204. Coauthor or Collaborator.
Harel Z, Sholzberg M, Shah PS, Pavenski K, Harel S, Wald R, Bell C. Comparisons between novel oral anticoagulants and vitamin k antagonists in patients with CKD. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2014 Jan. Coauthor or Collaborator.
Teitel J, Sholzberg M. Current status and future prospects for the prophylactic management of hemophilia patients with inhibitor antibodies. Blood Reviews. 2013 Mar;27(2):103-109. Co-Principal Author.
Havey TC, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Sholzberg M, Keystone JS, Gold WL. Case Report: Recurrent Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Caused by Intermittent Dosing of Rifampin. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2012 Feb;86(2):264-267. Coauthor or Collaborator.
Honours and Awards
Michael A. Baker Mentorship Award (2021)