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Richard Kirsch

Research Synopsis
Primary research interests include:
- colorectal cancer (special focus on prognostic and predictive factors)
- inflammatory bowel disease
- acute and chronic liver disease.
Selected Publications
Schaeffer DF, Walsh JC, Tyler AD, Ben-Bassat O, Silverberg MS, Riddell RH, Kirsch R. Intra-epithelial lymphocytosis is a frequent finding in biopsies from ileal pouch-anal anastomoses (IPAA). Human Pathology. 2016 Apr 7.[Epub ahead of print]
Jhaveri KS, Hosseini-Nik H, Thipphavong S, Assarzadegan N, Menezes RJ, Kennedy ED, Kirsch R. MRI Detection of Extramural Venous Invasion in Rectal Cancer: Correlation With Histopathology Using Elastin Stain. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2016 Apr 1;206(4):747-55.
Tyler AD, Kirsch R, Milgrom R, Stempak JM, Kabakchiev B, Silverberg MS. Microbiome Heterogeneity Characterizing Intestinal Tissue and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Phenotype. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2016 Apr 1;22(4):807-16.
Kojima M, Puppa G, Kirsch R, Basturk O, Frankel WL, Vieth M, Lugli A, Sheahan K, Yeh M, Lauwers GY, Risio M, Shimazaki H, Iwaya K, Kage M, Akiba J, Ohkura Y, Horiguchi S, Shomori K, Kushima R, Nomura S, Ajioka Y, Adsay V, Ochiai A. Blood and lymphatic vessel invasion in pT1 colorectal cancer. An international concordance study. J. Clinical Pathology. 2015 Aug;68(8):628-32.
Dawson H, Grundmann D, Koelzer VH, Galvan JA, Kirsch R, Karamitopoulou E, Lugli A, Inderbitzin D, Zlobec I. TrkB expression in colorectal cancers highlights anoikis resistance as a survival mechanism of tumor budding cells. Histopathology. 2015 Apr;66(5):715-72.
Grin A, Messenger DE, Cook M, O’Connor BI, Hafezi S, El-Zimaity H and Kirsch R. Peritoneal elastic lamina invasion: limitations in its use as a prognostic marker in stage II colorectal cancer. Human Pathology. 2013 Dec;44(12):696-705.
Kirsch R, Messenger DE, Riddell RH, Pollett A, Cook M, Al-Haddad S, Streutker CJ, Divaris DX, Pandit R, Newell KJ, Liu J, Price RG, Smith S, Parfitt JR and Driman DK. Venous invasion in colorectal cancer: impact of an elastin stain on detection and interobserver agreement among gastrointestinal and nongastrointestinal pathologists. Am J Surg Pathol. 2013 Feb;37(2):200-10.
Mitrovic B, Schaeffer DF, Riddell RH and Kirsch R. Tumor budding in colorectal carcinoma: time to take notice. Mod Pathol. 2012 Oct;25(10):1315-25.
Messenger DE, Driman DK and Kirsch R. Developments in the assessment of venous invasion in colorectal cancer: implications for future practice and patient outcome. Human Pathology. 2012 Jul;43(7):965-73.
Messenger DE, Driman DK, McLeod RS, Riddell RH and Kirsch R. Current practice patterns among pathologists in the assessment of venous invasion in colorectal cancer. J Clin Pathol. 2011 Nov;64(11):983-9.
Messenger DE, McLeod RS and Kirsch R. What impact has the introduction of a synoptic report for rectal cancer had on reporting outcomes for specialist gastrointestinal and nongastrointestinal pathologists? Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2011 Nov;135(11):1471-5