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Assistant Professor
Shawn Clark
Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology

Public Health Ontario
661 University Avenue, Suite 1701, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 1M1
Research Interests
Infectious Diseases & Immunopathology, Genetics Genomics & Proteomics
Clinical Interests
Microbiology (Clinical and Medical)
Appointment Status
Dr. Shawn Clark is a Clinical Microbiologist at Public Health Ontario where he oversees laboratory testing for arthropod-borne viruses, viral hemorrhagic fevers and genomics.
Dr. Clark received his BSc (2008) and MSc (2010) degrees from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) and his PhD (2017) from the University of Toronto. He completed additional research postdoctoral training at the University of Toronto (2017-2019) and later completed the Postdoctoral training program in Clinical Microbiology in the LMP Department (2022). He became a Fellow of the Canadian College of Microbiologists in 2023.
Research Synopsis
My research interests include:
- The use of next-generation sequencing and other molecular methods to detect, characterize and survey pathogens of public health significance.
- Enhancing the diagnosis of infections caused by arthropod-borne viruses, viral hemorrhagic fevers and emerging infectious diseases.
- The epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance, the detection and characterization of antimicrobial resistance mechanisms, and the application of novel approaches to assess antimicrobial susceptibility.
- Microbiology laboratory quality improvement initiatives.