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Steven Gallinger

Dr Steven Gallinger is an Hepatobiliary/pancreatic (HPB) surgical oncologist and member of the GI Site Cancer Program at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. He is Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto, Head of the HPB Surgical Oncology Program at UHN and MSH, and Chair of the Cancer Care Ontario HPB Community of Practice.
His research interests are primarily in the area of GI cancer genetics and he is co-Director of the Centre for Cancer Genetics at the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, and co-PI of the Zane Cohen Familial Gastrointestinal Cancer Registry at MSH.
He is also PI of the Ontario Pancreas Cancer Study, a member of the NIH funded Pancreas Cancer Genetic Epidemiology consortium, a population-based registry of pancreas cancer cases and their families which is now integrated with the International Cancer Genome Consortium at the OICR where he is Head of the Translational Research Initiative in pancreas cancer, termed PanCuRx.
Dr. Gallinger also co-leads (with Dr Jennifer Knox) the McCain Centre for Pancreas Cancer which supports the rapid diagnostic and treatment program at UHN, and the COMPASS trial.
Research Synopsis
Translational cancer genomics primarily in the areas of gastrointestinal cancers
Our lab is located within the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital. Also dry lab within Zane Cohen Centre for GI Diseases, incluidng the Ontario Pancreas Cancer Study and the Ontario Familial Colorectal Cancer Regsitry. Also computer cluster and bioinformatics facilities within the Ontario Institute for Cancer Registry.