Main Second Level Navigation
- Research stream programs: prospective students
Research stream programs: current students
- Course requirements and performance expectations
- Thesis Advisory Committee
- Graduate course list
- Fees, stipends, awards & grants
- Program transfers
- LMP Workshop Program
- Time off, leave and withdrawals
- Academic appeals
- Program completion for MSc and PhD
- Graduate forms
- Student services and support
- Communicate your research: the 3MT in LMP
- Mentoring & professional development for graduate students
- Master of Health Science (MHSc) in Laboratory Medicine
- Master of Science in Applied Computing (MScAC) Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
- Collaborative Specialization in Musculoskeletal Sciences (CSMS)
- Master of Health Science (MHSc) in Translational Research
- Student Union: CLAMPS
- Home
- Graduate
- Research stream programs: current students
- Graduate forms
Graduate forms
Advisory committees
Advisory Committee Approval Form (Online form)
Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Report (Word)
Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) guidelines (Word)
MSc completion
MSc Completion Checklist (a word document for you to print)
MSc Final Defense Request Form (Online form)
MSc Exam Chair instructions (PDF)
MSc Defence Committee Report (PDF)
PhD Completion
PhD Final Oral Examination Booking Request (Online Form)
Standard PhD Completion Checklist (word doc)
Remote PhD Completion Checklist during COVID (word doc)
MSc to PhD transfer requests
MSc to PhD Transfer Exam Checklist (a word document for you to print)
MSc to PhD Transfer Request (Online form)
MSc to PhD Transfer Examination Report (Word)
Instructions for the MSc to PhD Transfer Examination Chair (PDF)
PhD to MSc transfer requests
PhD Transfer Request Form (PDF)
Request for PhD to MSc Back-Transfer (PDF)
Course and teaching evaluations
Course Evaluation Questionnaire (PDF)
Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire (PDF)
Email signatures
Guide for use of U of T/LMP Signature - Read this first (PDF)
U of T/LMP logo for signature - required for all posters and presentations (.jpg) (right-click to Save Target)
School of Graduate Studies (SGS) student forms
Student form and letter requests for a large collection of resources.
CEDAR: access your digital student record