I am the program director in the Forensic Pathology subspecialty program. Also, I am the co-coordinator for the LMP415 pathobiology course. I am a deputy chief forensic pathologist of the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service and my employer is the Ministry of Solicitor General.
I perform medicolegal autopsies for the province of Ontario, I teach and demonstrate how to perform autopsies to medical students, residents, and fellows.
I discover classic pathological entities and new pathology challenging us. Also, I perform scene of crime visits, when requested by police and I attend courts and testify for helping courts in the process of administration of justice.
Why did you pursue an academic career?
Three main reasons: I love teaching, mentoring students, and sharing my life experience and casework with others.
What does this promotion mean to you?
My long-term commitment to academic activities is recognized, and it is hard to go through the promotion process while working full-time for the government. Most of the time spent on academic activities came from my personal time. This encourages me to commit more dedicated time to academic activities.
If you can go back, what advice would you give your younger self?
If you love teaching, mentoring, and publishing academic pathway is for you. It is nice to recognize your dedication to academic promotion. Attend promotion sessions, find a mentor and start the process early if you would like to be remembered and be promoted.
What advice would you give faculty who would like to apply for promotion?
Attend an academic promotion workshop early in your career, find a good mentor, and start collecting documents and the process early. Even if you do not get promoted this time, do not get discouraged; find out outstanding documents and apply again with recommendations.
How did you manage your time in putting your dossier together, considering your multiple priorities?
I spent many after-hours and weekends on this activity as I was doing full-time clinical activities and administrative work. Also, LMP and U of T mentors and staff were beneficial. Above all, my immediate boss was very supportive of this activity and encouraged me consistently.