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Sima Salahshor
BSc, MSc, PhD, PMP

Research Synopsis
My primary research interest is identification and characterization of the very early changes that occur during cancer initiation and progression.
The goal is to identify and characterize proteins that play an important role in cell transformation and to establish the mechanism of their action in both normal and tumor cells.
The ultimate goal is to develop biomarker tests that can be used as a tool in early turmor detection and for diagnostic or prognostic purposes.
I am also an avid supporter and promoter of new and improved technologies and products that significantly advance the quality of health care.
Recent Publications
E-cadherin in solid pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas Runjan Chetty, Stefano Serra, Sima Salahshor. Human Pathology (2008) Sep; 39 (9): 1407 Link to PubMed:
Nuclear Expression of E-cadherin Runjan Chetty, Stefano Serra, Sima Salahshor. American Journal of Surgical Pathology (2008) Jun 27. Link to PubMed:
Frequent accumulation of nuclear E-cadherin and alterations in the Wnt signaling pathway in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas Sima Salahshor, Richard Naido, Stefano Serra, Warren Shib, Ming-Sound Tsao, Runjan Chetty, James R. Woodgett. Modern Pathology (2008) Mar;21(3):271-81. Link to PubMed:
Nuclear expression of E-cadherin in Solid Pseudo papillary tumors Stefano Serra, Sima Salahshor, Mosa Fagih, Firouzeh Niakosari, Jasim M Radhi, Runjan Chetty. Journal of Pancreas (2007) May 9;8(3):296-303. Link to PubMed:
Expression of Wnt signaling pathway proteins in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms of the pancreas: A tissue microarray analysis Runjan Chetty, Stefano Serra, Sima Salahshor, Khaled Alsaad, Warren Shib, Hagen Blaszyk, James R Woodgett, Ming-Sound Tsao. Human Pathology (2006) 37:212-217. Link to PubMed:
Differential gene expression profile reveals deregulation of pregnancy specific beta-1 glycoprotein 9 early during colorectal carcinogenesis Sima Salahshor, Jason Goncalves, Runjan Chetty, Steven Gallinger, James R Woodgett. BMC Cancer (2005) Jun 27;5(1):66. Link to PubMed:
The links between Axin and carcinogenesis Sima Salahshor and James R. Woodgett. Journal of Clinical Pathology (2005) 58:225-236. Link to PubMed:
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of pancreas in a patient with attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis Runjan Chetty, Sima Salahshor, Bharati Bapat, Terri Berk, Marina Croitoru, Steven Gallinger. Journal of Clinical Pathology (2005) 58:97-101. Link to PubMed:
CDH1 mutations are present in both ductal and lobular breast cancer, but promote allelic variants show no detectable breast cancer risk Lei H, Sjöberg-Margolin S, Sima Salahshor, Barbaro Werelius, Jandakova E, Hemminki K, Annika Lindblom, Ivor Vorechovsky. International Journal of Cancer (2002) Mar 10;98(2):199-204. Link to PubMed:
Microsatellite instability and hMlH1, hMSH2 protein expression in familial and sporadic colorectal cancer Sima Salahshor, Konrad Koelble, Carlos Rubio, Annika Lindblom. Laboratory Investigation (2001) 81: 535-541. Link to PubMed:
A germline E-cadherin mutation in a family with gastric and colon cancer Sima Salahshor, Huagang Huo , Chieu B. Diep, Anu Loukola, Hong Zhang, Tao Liu, Jindong Chen , Lennart Iselius, Carlos Rubio, Ragnhild A. Lothe, Lauri Aaltonen, Xiao-Feng Su, Gudrun Lindmark, Annika Lindblom. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. (2001) Oct 8(4):439-43. Link to PubMed:
Low frequency of E-cadherin alterations in familial breast cancer Sima Salahshor, Huagang Huo, Vessela N. Kristensen, Niklas Loman, Sara Sjöberg-Margolin, Anne-Lise Borresen-Dale, Åke Borg, Annika Lindblom. Breast Cancer Research (2001) 3:199-207. Link to PubMed:
Screening families with endometrial and colorectal cancers for germline mutations Tao Liu, Jindong Chen, Sima Salahshor, Ewa Holmberg, Henrik Grönberg, Annika Lindblom. Journal of Medical Genetics (2001) 38(9):E29. Link to PubMed:
COL11A1 in FAP polyps and in sporadic colorectal tumors Helene Fischer, Sima Salahshor, Roger Stenling, Jan Björk, Gudrun Lindmark, Lennart Iselius, Carlos Rubio, Annika Lindblom. BMC Cancer (2001) 1(1):17. Link to PubMed:
Microsatellite instability in sporadic colorectal cancer is not an independent prognostic factor Sima Salahshor, Ulf Kressner, Helene Fischer, Gudrun Lindmark, Lars Påhlman, Bengt Glimelius, Annika Lindblom. British Journal of Cancer (1999) 81(2):190-3. Link to PubMed:
Colorectal cancer with and without microsatellite instability involves different genes Sima Salahshor, Ulf Kressner, Lars Påhlman, Bengt Glimelius, Gudrun Lindmark, Annika Lindblom. Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer (1999) 26:247-252. Link to PubMed:
Course Number: LMP1006H
Course Name: Cellular Imaging in Pathobiology
Course Number: LMP1503H
Course Name: Signal Transduction Pathways in Normal and Diseased Tissues