Summer research program enables excellent undergraduate research

The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine held its annual research day for summer students last week.
The LMP Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, commonly known as the SURE Program, attracts life science students from across Canada. They spend 12 weeks working on their own research project in the lab of an LMP expert and present their findings at the end of the summer at the Research Day.
This year, over 50 undergraduates benefitted from the program.
Alyssa Corbett, studying Kinesiology at Dalhousie University, spent the summer conducting ALS research in the lab of Dr. Janice Robertson and won a first prize for her poster. “I got so much out of this summer. I got a lot of research experience which I did not have before, and a lot of connections - I’m still going to keep in touch with my supervisor when I go back to school. I’ve so many opportunities in the future now to continue, whether that’s through masters programs or more research.”
The Research Day was led by program director, Dr. Jeff Lee and Undergraduate Life Sciences Program Administrator Louella D’Cunha, with support from faculty, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students in judging, and the administration team. Department Chair Dr. Rita Kandel spent the day talking to students, hearing about their research, and handed out the prizes in the closing award ceremony.
In a series of presentations, SURE participants also received advice from Dr. Lee and Graduate and Life Sciences Education Officer, Brandon Wells, on applying to graduate school. Former LMP Pathobiology students and SURE participants Dr. Sam Killackey, Negin Khosraviani and Richard Huang also gave presentations on their research and answered questions on careers and research from the group during a panel session.
“It never ceases to amaze me the quality of students we attract. Many have never had lab experience before and yet conduct research of such a high quality with a level of understanding that impresses me. It’s a real joy to attend this event and speak to them. We look forward to seeing their future endeavors,” said Dr. Kandel.
“This was the first year we returned to an in-person research day. The quality of the posters and presentations were excellent. All the students put in a tremendous amount of effort into their summer research, and I am proud of them all. I look forward to seeing many of these students in project courses and graduate school in our department.”
See all the poster prize winners below!
See photos from the SURE Research Day

Find out more
The LMP Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
Seeing yourself in STEM: attracting Black talent
Prize winners from the LMP SURE Research Day

Group 1 First Prize
Alyssa Corbett, Kinesiology student, Dalhousie University
Supervisor: Dr. Janice Robertson

Group 1 Second Prize
Shuruthi Sivadas, Health Sciences student, McMaster University
Supervisor: Dr. Isabelle Aubert

Group 2 First Prize
David Sag, Biochemistry student, The University of British Columbia
Supervisor: Dr. Jeffrey Lee

Group 2 Second Prize
Renee Schryer, Immunology and Physiology student, University of Toronto
Supervisor: Dr. Samira Mubareka

Group 3 First Prize
Lilian Zhai, Pathobiology Specialist student, LMP
Supervisor: Dr. Amy Wong

Group 3 Second Prize
Britney Tian, Pathobiology Specialist student, LMP
Supervisor: Dr. Shinichiro Ogawa

Group 4 Joint First Prize
Joshya Singh, Pathobiology Specialist student, LMP
Supervisor: Dr. Warren Lee
Jin Lin, Pathobiology Specialist student, LMP
Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Bendeck

Group 4 Second Prize
Mina Masoud, Physiology and Pharmacology student, University of Western Ontario
Supervisor: Dr. Heyu Ni

Group 5 First Prize
Benson Wu, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Specialist student, University of Toronto
Supervisor: Dr. Kelsie Thu

Group 5 Second Prize
Kangni Zou, Pathobiology Specialist student, LMP
Supervisor: Dr. Kelsie Thu

Group 6 First Prize
Defne Urman, Pathobiology Specialist student, LMP
Supervisor: Dr. Karim Mekhail

Group 6 Second Prize
Jaekyung (Jeffrey) Eo, Pathobiology Specialist student, LMP
Supervisor: Dr. Michael Ohh

Group 7 First Prize
Keya Patel, Medical Science student, Western University
Supervisor: Dr. Stephan Ong Tone

Group 7 Joint Second Prize
Stefan Petrovic, Health Sciences student, Queen's University Kingston
Supervisor: Dr. Ana Konvalinka

Group 7 Joint Second Prize
Michael Edsid, Pathobiology Specialist student, LMP
Supervisor: Dr. Magdaleni Bellis

Group 8 First Prize
Dustin Yang, Immunology Specialist student, University of Toronto
Supervisor: Dr. Jeffrey Lee

Group 8 Second Prize
Linus Schweizer, Pathobiology Specialist student, LMP
Supervisor: Dr. Stephen Girardin